1. We stop when we are really tired, before we end up hating the work/getting crabby.
2. We work near each other, so we can chat if we get bored.
2. We work near each other, so we can chat if we get bored.
3. We have a reward after we finish, like a beautiful walk, a glass of wine or a beer.
What do you think of those gardening rules? They work for me.
What do you think of those gardening rules? They work for me.

After we finished with the yard, we got cleaned up, and hung the new curtains that I sewed for our (master) bath room. I figured since Suz has posted pictures of her bath's beautiful remodel, I can post pics of our bath's new curtains.
They have a two-toned yellow stripe background, with a blue and white toile print on them. Very old-fashioned; very French. I didn't add any ribbons or trim, as I thought Gregg would prefer the simpler style, but I am itching to buy some trim and make a pelmet for the top.
The window looks out over our basketball court/parking area and the woods.
Later, we took a long walk by the beach, and afterward, we went to my mom & dad's house for dinner. David was already there, as he and my dad had played their first round of golf together since November. Kappa could see the improvement in David's game, since he plays 5x a week now, with the golf team. I love the fact that they have this interest to share, since my parents gave our children the gift of practically all of the lessons that they took when they were little: piano, tennis, swimming and golf. Though they gave the lessons purely as gifts for the children's enrichment, it has come back to bless my dad: David, Kappa and Gregg can all enjoy tennis and golf together, now.
There were card games in progress when we arrived: David played cribbage with my dad and gin rummy with my mom. They also got out the bocce set (boules in France) and we played a bit of that before it got too chilly. I love the sunshine! Keep it coming!
We spent a little time in Winslow (the town on Bainbridge), and saw that the amazing wool coat that I was so tempted to buy a couple of weeks ago had come down yet again in price. This is a soft, pale gray wool jacket, lined with taffeta, very European in style (think Jacqueline Kennedy), down from $144.00 to $39.00, including tax. I bought it; I confess. Gregg still doesn't get the style, but ladies, we do, we do.
The biggest news of the weekend, by far, came when Andrea called us to tell us the results of her ultrasound: she is expecting a baby GIRL! When I get permission, I will post her name. We are super-excited to meet our little grand-niece!
It all sounds so cosy and nice. Especially the coat. I can't believe anything that fabulous is that cheap -- sigh -- I've lived in a overpriced urban areas for two long.
What a retreat, your bathroom! I remember you posting about the temperature of it in the winter though... so I'm happy that it is warmer now for you to enjoy your new curtains!
Photos of your new coat, please!
I love your yard working rules. I think you should draw them up formally and send them to congress at once!!!
Your bathroom is so pretty...I love toile. I think a pelmet for the top would be lovely...can Gregg cut up some wood...you just have to pad and staple the fabric and VOILA!!
I still just love the fact that David spends so much time with his grandparents...do you realize how unusual that is??? My girls also love their grandparents...I think it is just great!!!
Glad you had a nice weekend!!!
Oh, you must show a picture of the coat..It sounds gorgeous...especially with THAT price tag!!!
Sounds like a wonderful weekend! Delightful and relaxed in every way. I'm glad!
Love the curtain. Fun fun. You have a pretty bathroom. Love the blue paint too! : )
So glad your family is close. That is quite a treasure! : )
Congratulations on the news of the grand-niece - that is thrilling!
And I LOVE those curtains! They are VERY French, you're right, and tres, tres belle!
I love gardening... something very rewarding about working out in the fresh air with your hands in the dirt and the sun on your back. I just LOVE it!
I changed a doorbell today (wires and ALL!) and am quite proud of myself.
Tomorrow, it's back to WORK (in an OFFICE). WOW. :-) Excited, nervous.... a whole SLEW of emotions.
Need a photo of this jacket!!!!
I agree totally with the gardening rules.
I also think a pelmet would look nice over the new curtains of your very cute bathroom.
your new jacket sounds very nice. I love a bargain. Pics please.
Glad you had such a lovely family weekend.
Sounds like a very fun weekend. And I totally agree on the gardening rules. It WILL make that time easier & more pleasant & with full expecations! I also like your new curtain. I am considering some small sewing projects myself. So with the french look of it...does David have warm rememberances from his world travels (hehe). And thanks for stopping by and posting on my Disney adventures....good/tiff/and good again! :-)
OH....last night I watched a bit of an episode from "Dinners, Drive-in's, & Dives" on the foodnetwork...they profiled a little dinner on your island! It looked so cool, and the funny thing is, I was scanning the crowd to see if you were there for taping (how funny). But the food there looks very good!
Have a HAPPY day! And enjoy the sun...Jordan is telling me how great the weather has been (I am jealous).
I came over to say THANKS for the comment your left on my blog. Man, I'm SO SORRY to hear that you've lost a child too. I just looked over your blog and I absolutely LOVE the pic of Katie and you. She's just BEAUTIFUL!!!! You can see her sweet spirit in her photos. What a BEAUTIFUL child she is! (I hate to speak of our children in past tense because though they aren't with us, they ARE ALIVE! MORE alive than we are now.. AMEN??)
Thanks SO MUCH for stopping by my blog and allowing me to meet you. I hate that we can connect through our trials, but am THANKFUL that we met!
I am so glad you have help with the yardwork. Why you ask? My funny husband told me this weekend that he was glad he could count on me to do the yardwork because it wasn't really his area (scrubbing the fishing boat, however, he had no trouble with) ha. The funny thing is he's completely serious. I'm glad I'm used to it by now. Ha. I remember there's a service where we live to pick up the after winter dog "presents" in the yard. They charge $150. I took note and bought a new purse after 4 hours in the yard. Ha. Your coat sounds darling. I have a friend in Seattle and our first visit there she took us on the ferry to Bainbridge which was really lovely and a first for me. I remember see all the lush gardens and being very envious!
God Bless.
Dawn, I think that diner is owned by some friends of ours now (recent change), but we haven't been there yet. It's cute-looking form the outside. I love those travel/food shows, but they always make me hungry - except Andrew Zimmern's show, about strange foods all over the world. That one doesn't make me so hungry, but it's fun...
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