Here are photos of David and Katie enjoying the cliffs and the beach, in 2005.
Below is a picture of Katie and me in 2006, before she became ill, in front of a rock we have dubbed "Pomegranate Rock," and one of Gregg and David today, on the other side of the same rock.

David wrote Katie's name in the sand...and I found more heart-shaped glass than I ever have.

David found the heart-shaped rock.
I am not usually concerned about finding heart-shaped pieces of glass, but I kept finding them today, and I began to feel that they were from Katie. I told the guys that I felt she was with us, putting them in our path.
One of my friends has a blog called "Contemplative Photographer." Her name is Diane Walker, and she is a gifted photographer. She wrote an entry in February that featured a heart-shaped piece of glass that she believes was put in her path by Katie. You can find her link on the sidebar on my blog; here is a link to that entry: http://woodenhue.blogspot.com/2008/02/i-know-this-picture-isnt-up-to-my-usual.html. The rare, red glass heart that she gave to me, and her writing about it, came to mind today. Thank you again for this gift, Diane.
I hope that if you were in western Washington today, you also enjoyed the sun and the warmth.
That is incredible! You are the most passionate mom... The love you have for your kids shows in those photos. Your kids are beautiful!
Good Sunday afternoon, Karen. What a TREASURE TROVE of pictures!! I love each and every one of them, and I thank you for sharing. To see Katie so alive, and healthy, and enjoying the HECK out of life is inspiring and lovely. You can rest assured that she had a love-filled, fun-filled, LIFE-filled existence here on this earth. And, I know she continues to surround you in everything you and your family do.
The heart-shaped glass and rocks are truly amazing.
Karen, I wish you and your family a peaceful Sunday.
m/o ^Jessica^; forever 17
TEAM UNITE! Help Conquer Childhood Cancer!
You found all those heart shaped glasses in one day?? Ok, I live in Southern California and whenever we're at the beach I'm ALWAYS looking for beach glass and have yet to find anything close to a heart shape.
Though while in Hawaii last month I found a piece of coral that was heart shaped and a few feet away from that I found another piece that the heart fits into perfectly.
From now on if I ever find a piece of glass in the shape of a heart I will say thank you Katie!
That's amazing.
I just thought of something else as I'm looking at your beautiful photos and the heart shaped beach glass...
Maybe once you have enough heart glass you could glue it onto a simple frame that holds a picture of you and Katie at the beach?
And it's something you can always collect and frame and even gift as gifts to others in your family...
Hello! I live in Washington and would love to take my girls to Glass Beach in Port Townsend...while doing a google search I came upon your blog. Could you possibly give me directions? I have visited Port Townsend often...but am unable to locate any directions to the beach.
Glad to hear that your family got out to enjoy a beautiful day.
I love taking hikes on the coast. If you don't mind sharing where directions to your beach that would be great. Miccidaze@yahoo.com
Take care and my heart goes out to you and your family.
Your pictures inspired me to take pics of the heart shaped coral I found in Hawaii. I'll post them soon. Thanks to you and Katie, I'm on a mission to find some heart shaped beach glass now!!!
Hi... I visit Port Townsend often and was wondering if you could give me some directions to Glass Beach. i would love to take my husband to see this beautiful place.
Thank you so much..
That is really cool! When I lived with my grandparents we would go to a beach in Oak Harbor every sunday after church. Befor we would go to the beach we would visit my great-great-grandma Lena in the home. She was amazing. I would bring her rocks from the beach that I thought she would like and she would tell me stories from when she was younger. I miss doing that. :)
tresure your memories.
I came across your blog while trying to find the location to the beach in Port Townsend where I can find beach glass. What a love tribute to such a beautiful daughter.
I am trying to fill a clear lamp base with sea glass. The glass I find near my home on Whidbey Island does have the beautifully shaped and rounded glass. Would you be willing to share with me the location of the beach you found your beach glass? I understand there is a beach located near Port Townsend at an old dump site that has lots of glass. I'd appreciate any help.
just wanted 2 tell U that story about the heart shaped glass touch my soul. When my brother inlaw pass i knew god was present and that he was taking good care of rob.A eagle flew out over the tree's and then again when i was on my way to the hospital 2 see my sister after my mom called and pass the news 2 our family. I have a sister who has began a heart shape collect of rocks and i thought it would be nice to get piece of beach glass shaped like a heart.She hasn't found a single heart shape rock. So i began collecting for her. could i have directions to your beach. There is place where i lived that i love to go rain,snow,or showers it's called dash pt. have you been? i could give you directions and in spring time i could give you four leaf clovers if you would like.I am alway finding them. hope your enjoy this beautiful day.
I've been hiking the North Beach stretch for years. I took my family out there today and it was glorious. There's a family of otters who were playing in the surf today.
The rock you call "pomegranate rock" was named by my girlfriend and I in the early 1980s - we called it "Mama Otter Rock", since viewed from certain angles it resembles an Otter head. Of course, I'm not aware if the rock has a more official name.
Take Care!
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