Thursday, April 23, 2009

Talk Like Shakespeare

I just found out that it's Talk Like Shakespeare Day, in honor of the Bard's 445th birthday!
Here is a link to the website:
where you can find a downloadable poster:

If you are a fan (or even if you think you're not), check out the Ashland (Oregon) Shakespeare Festival. The work of the Bard comes alive there, and it's a fantastic way to see and hear his work performed, beautifully. I have enjoyed our trips there, and LOVED the performances, the charming restaurants, bed & breakfast inns & window-shopping in town. Gregg and I spent a few days there at the end of our honeymoon (on the way home from Maui), and it was fabulous.

Have thyself a wonderful birthday evening!


Busy Bee Suz said...

How funny. I have never been a big fan myself. The girls were watching a new version of Romeo and Juliet this last weekend that Lauren just loves...Linds looked a bit confused by all the "words", I asked her if she liked it and she said: "It is ok, but I don't know what they are talking about...but I do know NOW what THY means"
This cracked me up.

ChiTown Girl said...

You can't even imagine the fun Lex is having with this! He and his goofy friend talk like this a lot as it is (it's fun raising a genius geek who has other genius geeks for friends!!) so today, they're really laying it on thick! I have a feeling their Honors English teacher is going to have a field day with them. :)