Once Gregg and I were up, as we were having our coffee in the family room, we would hear a plaintive, delicate little voice (Katie's, but not her normal, strong tones) calling, "Daaaaddyy? Can I have an English Muffin, please?" And Gregg would get up, toast muffins, spread butter or jam on them, and deliver them to both kids in the playroom, with a glass of milk for each. He loved waiting on them; they loved "working" him.
Katie could eat her muffin and still use the video controller. You can see her quilt (the original inspiration for all of the others) on her lap; temporary tattoos on her arm (a birthday gift), a mouth full of muffin and her beloved Panda bear at her back. Good times!
What a great memory. Love the muffin hanging out of her mouth...a girl with priorities. Eat AND play. Very cute.
Our kids have always been able to get up and tend to themselves also. I remember when Linds was little though,I would wake up and she would be 6 inches from my face just staring at me. It was cute, but scary. Then they would be in their rooms or in the family room amusing themselves.
I remember Saturday morning cartoons at home...of course NOW they can watch cartoons EVERYDAY 24 hours a day. :)
That is such a sweet memory! We were into cinnamon rolls... those fakey Pillsbury kind in the tube. But a fun time for all!
It has just been the last year or so that the boys will wake up on Saturday mornings and turn on the TV and grab something for themselves for breakfast without coming into our room first. I remember the first time it happened and Jim and I looked at each other and high fived and went back to sleep!
as my daughter so kindly woke us up at 7am...I too got up and made the cereal...of course I made her cuddle with me for a bit first!
We have a Saturday morning ritual too...coffee, doughnuts, and big breakfasts...what fun memories! Cartoons are on too...mom and dad sometimes climb back in bed with their coffee...shhhh, don't tell them our secret hiding place! ;)
Wow, I miss her soooooo much, making faces at me down the pew on Sunday mornings.... those are my happy memories-I really miss her!
Awww, this is one of my favorite posts of your blog. Tender and sweet. It also brings back memories for me of our childhood Saturdays. My dad would get us a dozen Dunkin Donuts and fresh milk. Yummm!
This picture is hilarious!!! Such determination on her face. Was she playing Grand Theft Auto???
That mouth full of muffin is so cute. A great photo and a wonderful memory. Have a good week. I'm loving you, girlfriend ! xoxo.
This is precious! I am very familiar with the "sweet little girl voice working her Daddy"!! My little S. does that regularly!
And I LOVE the panda!
GREAT memories! :-)
(On Saturdays, my son J gets up at 630 AM to play video games!! Crazy!!)
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