This photo shows Gregg having breakfast on our deck.
Every night, before we go to bed, my husband loads the automatic coffeemaker with water, a filter and coffee, so that it will be ready for me in the morning. He could easily leave this to me, as he chooses to buy an Americano on his way to catch the ferry to work in the morning; he doesn't drink the coffee he is preparing for me. When I get up at 6:15 a.m. (he leaves at 4:30), the coffee is fresh and hot in its thermal carafe, waiting for me to enjoy it.
He has started going upstairs to our bath/dressing room in the evenings, and turning the heater on for me, so that the room will be warm when I go up to get ready for bed. Our bathroom is the coldest room in the house; it was supposed to have a built-in heater, but a mistake was made in the building process. The wiring isn't in the appropriate wall, so we have to use a plug-in space heater. Now that the temperatures are dropping, it's not fun getting ready for bed in the "icebox." Gregg does this for my comfort, as he is almost never cold, and it warms more than my bedtime routine; it warms my heart.
This is a man who tells me, "You have enough jewelry already," and who thinks that buying flowers is a waste of money. We have actually stopped buying gifts for one another, for the most part, by mutual agreement. But he shows his love in consideration and tenderness, in ways that are in character for him. He is the same man who used to feel faint at the sight of a blood draw, but who lovingly, bravely and tenderly gave our daughter every one of her necessary 2 to 3 injections each day, for months, because it comforted her to have him do it, and no one else. I love him!
Awww... what a wonderful husband!
Your dear husband is a Prince amongst men. =)
It's so nice reading of a husband who honors his wife so well and so lovingly.
That is true love, Karen.
He is this good to you, because you are so good to him! Bottom line: You are GREAT for each other!
I'm glad that I read your blog today. Lately, I've not been as appreciative as I should be about my husband. More like I did this, why didn't you do that? Life is too short....Thanks for reminding me about how little details really add up to a lot.
Hope everything is going well. I cannot believe Christmas will be here soon. On the blanket note, we found some quilters to donate some blankets and we are working on getting donations for some of the stuff. We are going to donate to your place and a local place around our area.
Keep on smiling...
Enjoy that cup of coffee!
You are right, God did find you the right one... Your husband is a GOOD EGG :) Thank you for your kind and supportive comment on my blog. It is nice to know that my blogger friends have my best interests at heart :)
I had one marriage that lasted 14 and a half years. It produced an extraordinary daughter who more than compensates for the marriage being not so great. It did leave me sort of emotionally bankrupt, and I have made no attempt to get to know any man since then--more than 20 years ago! It fills my heart with delight to know that some marriages last and are filled with mutual love. It makes me think I could take a chance on love again. I'm also so impressed that you appreciate and revel in that love! Thanks, Karen.
I have to agree with you...you've hit the jackpot with him dear! What a sweet man! He honors you and you honor him...such a deep love!
I get coffee every morning too...it's our time together before the day begins...it's my favorite part of the day! I look forward to waking up with him...
Karen, he is a GIFT from God. And you deserve nothing less than that.
I am sure if we were to ask Gregg, he would say the same things about you. You have a wonderful marriage and it is so nice to see how you both appreciate each other in the most daily ways. take care, Suz
What a wonderful THANK YOU to such a wonderful man. Some really important things are worth waiting for, and if we keep waiting in faith, the good will come. You are proof of that. He is equally as lucky to have you and DAvid. I miss all of you everyday. love...love...kiss....kiss
That it so wonderful and sweet. I'm so glad you have each other!
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