Friday, July 19, 2013

Can I Get an "Amen?"

Can I get an "amen" to this?
Ben Towne Center T Cells Interacting with Neuroblastoma Cells from ben towne foundation on Vimeo.

Brought to you by our friends at the Ben Towne Center, the Ben Towne Foundation, the Katie Gerstenberger Endowment for Cancer Research, Seattle Children's Hospital and countless other generous individuals who support the Center's work.


Anonymous said...

Amen! That was fascinating!

Karen said...

AMEN!! It is so amazing. You and your friends are making such a difference with your support of research. It is so powerful that you get to be a part of this. I know your involvement has come at a high price, and that makes it even more powerful.
Love you.

Pam said...

Heck yeah..neuroblastoma is a terrible killer and to see hope really brightens my day! : )

M said...

You got it!

Busy Bee Suz said...

AMEN!!!! Awesome news.

AnnDeO said...


Tiffany said...

This is great!