Friday, September 9, 2011

I looked up from my laptop and this is what I saw: case you need a closer view:
Beautiful, classic wooden boats are coming to town!

I hope you have a "classic" weekend, too.


Elizabeth said...

Amazing! Right there from your window! Have a wonderful weekend --

Busy Bee Suz said...

Gorgeous, I love them!!!! I am starting to feel like a 'classic'!

ChiTown Girl said...

Reason #384 for why I'll be moving to your neck of the woods one day. :)

Jason, as himself said...

With a view like this, I bet you look up from your computer about every two seconds!

Jim said...

Now that would be something to see.....those wooden boats! Amazing that they are still around!
Here's to a 'classic' weekend, Karen.

A.Smith said...

Allegra wants me to tell you "that we are both looking forward to this view but much more so to the company". Say hello to Gregg and I hope we will see you soon. Barry

Karen said...

There is really so much therapy in the view from your windows. You are blessed to be able to look out and absorb such peace. It always helps me to see your view, too.