School is nearly out here, and that means that David is getting very close to his high school graduation day. He has GOLF on the brain, and on the agenda, as much as possible.

This time of year always seems to include a mad scramble by the schools to honor, fete, gather, and remember every single thing that they haven't done yet - and this particular school district, while staffed by some lovely individuals, does not always excel at timely communication. Or is it this particular senior? I don't know.

There were good shots...

bad shots...

...and lovely places to walk.

When there were bad shots, I reminded him: a bad round of golf still beats a day spent behind a desk! We walked between four and five miles, with David carrying his clubs. Have I mentioned that he LOVES golf?
We found out on last week (I think it was on Wednesday) that David was nominated for a very prestigious award - and that the ceremony was Thursday evening. We also learned on the same day that David won the Scholar Athlete of the Month - in April!
Congratulations, David!
The three of us attended the North Kitsap Athletic Booster Club Sports Awards Banquet. We congratulated the many wonderful athletes who have excelled during the 2009-2010 school year at North Kitsap High. We had dessert and visited with great coaches and families, and heard about what the seniors were planning to do next year. It was nostalgic and fun. Then David was called up on stage with the other nominees of the Joe Shandera Award. (David is the one in the blue button-down shirt with khaki pants.)

The award is given to one senior boy and girl, each year. It is a memorial to a beloved coach who passed away at a young age. Here's a blurb from the local paper about the award:
"The Joe Shandera Award is the most prestigious athletic award given to a senior boy and girl at North Kitsap High School. The award was first given in 1969.
"And being nominated for the award, let alone winning it, is a noteworthy accomplishment as the nomination process and list of criteria are exhaustive. The criteria includes dedication to excellence in athletics, maintaining good academic standing, exhibiting good sportsmanship, showing interest in attaining the highest level of responsibility toward the school and the community. "In addition, the nominees must display loyalty to teammates, coaches, school and the sport, leadership by example, participation in a variety of sports, evidence of sacrifice to achieve in the sport, coachability, and admiration accorded by coaches, teammates, teachers and opponents.
"Also taken into consideration is the nominees’ ability to overcome obstacles to achieve or surpass their athletic potential.
"The athlete doesn’t need to be a 'star.'
"The head coaches from all the athletic programs nominate athletes whom they believe meet the criteria for the award. Then they discuss the nominees and vote for one boy and one girl." - North Kitsap Herald, Jun 07 2008
David didn't win the award, but I am proud of him for being nominated with such a great group of his classmates. I'm thankful for his beautiful character, and the fact that he was appreciated and recognized for it.

Tonight was the Senior Award Ceremony, held at the high school. David and his classmates were recognized for the scholarships and awards they are receiving, and he was given his silver tassel, to wear at graduation (gold is the highest honor, and silver is next). Here he is (above), greeting the principal on his way to collect his certificates and tassel.

Tonight, she received an award from the Daughters of the American Revolution, and then was honored by an alumnus of West Point Military Academy, whose voice broke as he announced that she was going to attend his alma mater, on a full scholarship. I looked at Gregg, and there were tears streaming down his face. Just for perspective, I've seen Gregg cry maybe a half-dozen times in our 19 years of marriage. This was one of those "moments" that you just FEEL.

We love you, Johanna, and we are SO proud of you!
I felt these moments with you and your loved ones.
You share in a way that one can't help it.
Congratulations to your son, and to you.
It's unreal isn't it. One of those , finally and yet already moments.
My daughter that is graduating has been stretched to the limit busy as well. May and June are one thing after another. They had the dinner dance portion of the grad last Friday, the actually ceremony closer to the end of the month. She , and some of her friends, rushed to get ready ( at our place) knowing they'd be late as they were in Ofssa soccer playoffs all day . I admire they way they learn time management , or at least the concept of it much more than we did . And to be gracious and kind and respectful through it all, as it seems your son is to the nth degree, well , doesn't that just melt a heart. I learn from them so often.
I love those moments that you just FEEL! They are so special when they just arrive unexpectedly and flood your being.
How wonderful that you spent time with David on the golf course. It's often challenging to find common ground with a teenager for an extended period of time.
And big congrats to him on his well-deserved awards, and a pat on the back to his parents, of course!
Wowie-kazowie!!! That's awesome. You've got a GREAT kid there, Karen. What a proud moment for all of you. What an incredible honor.
It's gonna be hard to say goodbye to that young man in the Fall... sniff-sniff.
You are so right...it aint braggin' at all!!!
I am so proud of David, and so proud FOR you and Gregg. He is a great young man and is such a gift to this world. (don't you know we lack wonderful men???)
I still love that he wants YOU to walk with him while he does what he loves...that is just the sweetest compliment. I can't believe he is graduating...and with so many honors. I know this is bittersweet for you. But gosh, how you must be proud of who he has become.
And, I am with Gregg, I teared up reading about Joanna too. What a wonderful person to know.
Wow! Takes your breath away when they are born and when they are honored by others, doesn't it?
Your memories remind me of special times with our daughter. Sitting in the audience as she was spotlighted for her talents.
What wonderul memories...Congratualations to David on his accomplishments...and WOW...doesn't Senior Year get here fast. Also, how very special that your son asked his momma to go walk the course with him. A day that will forever be etched on your heart i am sure1
Being nominated for the Joe Shandera award is a very special honor. Coach Shandera was a wonderful teacher, coach, man. Coach died the summer before my senior year at NKHS--a very sad time for the entire school as well as his young family.
David -- and his parents-- should be very proud! "cousin Karol"
Congratulations to your wonderful son and to his amazing parents! May you find much, much joy in this time, bittersweet or not.
Congratulations to David and to his friends! (and is it inappropriate to add that your son is a stud?)
Thank you all for the kind and generous comments for David. I think he is a stud, too (but I'm biased). XOXO
Well, I happen to agree with you and I am not even his auntie! And it is true, a young man of good character, good taste in cloth and wanting to travel cannot be but a joy to call one's one. So hugs to you, because all the goodness comes from you and all the golfing from Gregg. Now lets see what David does with all of it on his own. I am putting my money on him to become as successful as his father and as charming as his mother. And I have yet to lose a bet. Love and congratulations to you from here.
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