On Saturday, we swept, washed and WAXED our floors. This was my request. Go ahead and say it: I know it's crazy to ask for this as a "special" Saturday activity. Our house has the old-fashioned VCT floors (think of your elementary school) in the kitchen, mud room and all of the bathrooms, and they require MAINTENANCE. So Gregg and I worked as a tag-team, and the floors look wonderful again. I was ridiculously happy about this...it's almost embarrassing to be such a nerd about housekeeping. Then we took a walk, and Gregg did some yard work while I made a birthday gift for a friend's party, and some appetizers, too. The party was great fun Saturday night...Sunny weather, barbecue, old & newer friends...good times.
Sunday morning, David and Gregg went golfing with my dad, and we joined my parents later for dinner at their house. We sat on the deck and watched cruise ships go by, as well as an eagle playing and sitting on a neighbor's dock.
David and Gregg played boules (also known as bocce ball).

I had the opportunity to catch up with one of my dearest friends from college today on the telephone. I enjoyed laughing with her, just as we had in the old days. It's a gift to find that you can still communicate, after many years apart, just as if no time nor distance had separated you. I also cleaned the house and spent a couple of hours in our yard, cutting blackberry canes and vines. David helped me by hauling them up into our woods (they will be burned later, when we get a permit). I have scratches all over my forearms, and am cozy and tired in my bathrobe, after dinner, a walk with Gregg and a nice hot bath.
I am sad to say that we received some hard news this weekend. One of our young friends in the cancer community has found that she has a recurrence of brain tumor. If you would like to pray for her or give her & her family a word of encouragement, please visit www.caringbridge.org/visit/hannahhunt.
Sending prayers and good thougths Hannah's way.
"it's almost embarrassing to be such a nerd about housekeeping."
Great, now I am worried about being a nerd. :) I think it is great to take pride in our homes...you know it is the ONE thing that I am really, really good at. :) "Hi, my name is Suz and I am a housekeeping nerd" :)
I know what you mean about the satisfaction of a good cleaning job when it is done....but I don't know what VCT floors are....and I would find it to be a great day to have *someone* help me w/ chores too. On Mother's day, that was my request and it was so much FUN!!
Yeah, I am a total nerd.
Sounds like a really nice weekend for your family!!
Karen, thankyou for the kind words on my blog. Last week two of my mom's dear friends [both have lost a daughter] came to visit my dad. They had put together a scrapbook of pictures of them and their travels and gatherings and families. It was so tender and nice. They are so sweet and know a bit about what it may be like for him to be so lost and having your family grieving so deeply.
I will be praying for her. Praying hard.
Karen I was wondering if it would be possible to get your home mailing address.
If you are willing just post it on my blog and I will make sure to get the address and reject the post so it won't show up.
And I am praying for your sweetfriend.
I fucking hate cancer.
Love Renee oxox
What a beautiful place you live in! The descriptions and photos are wonderful.
I'm envious of your housecleaning nerdiness. I have the nerdiness in thought only -- meaning I WISH I cleaned more often and more thoroughly but I never do.
And my sympathy goes out to your friend's child. It must be so difficult for you as well to relive these things and watch others go through them.
You...with long hair! On Paul's site...beautiful! :)
Tried to get to Katie's bench on Viking Fest - Zachary really wanted to sit on it...hung around it for a while, but it was taken. Promised to take him on a day that wasn't so busy. So sweet.
Love you - Ang
I'm so sorry for your friend, karen. Prayers for her...
So I am amongst good nerd company when it comes to housekeeping. I get a huge high from keeping a clean house, although it's not so clean right now. I usually don't understand when people complain about housecleaning because the feeling of accomplishment and clearing out the senses is so huge when one lives in a clean environment. I think it is hugely important to a sense of well being. =) Thanks for your comments recently. I'm getting time to catch up on your blog while at work (shhhh...) and it's a pleasure, as usual!
My prayers are with Hannah but it won't take my comment on that site.
Love Renee xoxo
You and Suz need to start your own Nerd Herd! Then one day I may be worthy of membership. LOL!
Ed and I are keeping Hannah in our prayers. I'm sorry to read about the new tumors. Cancer sucks ass. :-(
I have never left a comment on a "strangers" blog. I don't make it a general practice to read the blogs of those I do not know. I happened upon yours through CJane's, a fluke on a quite afternoon.
I'm inspired by you and your family, by the way you have found a new normal and a sense of peace amidst your adversity. You inspire me in mine.
Thank you.
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