Sunday, April 5, 2009

I have mentioned before, and have a link to their site on my sidebar. is part of the Erika Whitmore Godwin Foundation. Erika was a beautiful young woman who died from cancer, and was the only child of Susan Whitmore, who founded griefHaven. I recently received their E-Haven newsletter for April, and it was very helpful to me. Here is a link to their newsletter, in case you are dealing with grief (your own, or someone else's). GriefHaven is specifically geared toward parents of a child who has died, but the information they provide could help anyone.

God bless you!


Busy Bee Suz said...

You are so sweet to share....take care, suz

Jason, as himself said...

Good to know. I actually do have a friend who is going through some extreme grief right now. I'll pass it along. Thank you!