David has been checking the weather reports daily (hourly?) and his wish has come true. We've taken a 3-mile walk, and he is now chomping at the bit to take his new skis up on our road for a test run.

Latte blends into it, since he is polar-bear colored.
Liger made a kitty-snow-angel by rolling in the snow, but I didn't get a good photo; you'll have to take my word for it.
I thought a cat would hate that feeling, but not this little character. He likes water; we found him curled up in the kitchen sink the other day, resting (not drinking).
I love the shape of the madrona trees in all seasons, and they look particularly graceful today. They have a tendency to grow out over the water, and the wind and their natural growth patterns create beautiful forms.

...And here is what it looks like this evening. David did all of our Christmas lighting this year. Thanks, David!
How fun! We just have dreary cloudy cold blaaaah weather. :p
so pretty! i'm envious. it's so dark and dreary here in richmond. i don't remember a white christmas here, they are all in my memories of many christmas trips to visit my grandmothers in ohio. *sigh* those were the good ole days... thanks for sharing that lovely snow!
It's official: Your cats are dogs.
Love the pics. I can just picture your town now covered in snow! It probably looks like a Christmas movie set.
Karen, that is so beautiful! It seems the entire country is getting the Winter weather except us! It was in the low 70s here today... I was in capris and a tshirt!
Candidly, I'd rather have snow this time of year... it's definitely more festive.
I love how Latte and Liger love the snow! They must be part Siberian Tiger. ;-)
Absolutely gorgeous! I'm sure David was THRILLED to have snow day!
The picture of the Madrona trees should be on a Christmas card...beautiful!
Stay warm~
David did a wonderful job on the lighting...is he for hire??? Let him know he did well. :)
I love the pics of the cats outside. My feisty felines are so snippy...they don't like the rain, humidity, or cold. So spoiled.
The pictures are wonderful and your mood is so light. I love it!!!
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing the photos. Great job on the lights David!
Way to go on the lights! Beautiful home...can I come and sit on your porch? ;)
Love the snow...we got lots on this side of the moutain too! Lots!! Enjoy that white stuff!
Absolutely: those lights are just gorgeous! And I love that he didn't have to go climbing on the roof to get such a lovely artistic effect -- we could all learn from that!
My one remaining outdoor cat hates the snow, and won't go out unless the dog goes with him!
Could your house look more beautiful!?
Karen, I have a new blog.
I needed to get rid of the old one. It had pics of our kids with their names and even a pic. of our house with our address on the mailbox. Just got kind of freaked out by the whole idea of it being a public domain.
I have not stopped praying for you and thinking of you.
Hoping you survive this holiday season and smiling at the picture of Katie on the right again. Such a beauty and probably makes one gorgeous angel up there in heaven....I wonder what beautiful carols she is listening to this year....
Is David for HIRE!!!???!!???? I'll pay the going rate PLUS a trip to sunny San Diego, complete with two furballs who'd love on him for days. Wow!
Your house looks like a digitally created image. So perfect. I love it.
I'm with Laura...your cats are dogs! I laughed my ass off at the pics of them trekking through the snow. Lovesit!!!!
Oh so pretty....Jordan has told me about the snow. In Delaware we are JEALOUS...especially Seth, because Jordan had a "snow day" from school! Also I LOVE the picture of the house all lit up...it looks so cozy & Christmasy....just like a real Gingerbread House!
~ as I type this...Jordan is on his way to Seatac for a delayed red eye!!! But this time tomorrow...YAAAY!
Love your photos! Hate this weather though. One of the selling points on Seattle for my husband and I was that it didn't snow here (unlike Maine where we'd come from!) I hate going out in this because people don't know how to drive. I've been home since Wednesday with a few trips to Safeway and that's it. I'm stir crazy!
I've been reading your blog for awhile via Laura at Live Happy and I just wanted to say I think you're an inspirational person. I can definitely see that you were blessed to have someone like Katie in your life, and you honor her memory very well.
Hope you're staying warm and that you don't lose power tonight! And Merry Christmas!
Fantastic pictures.
Today we "drove to the snow" which is something Southern California residents do after it snows at higher elevations.
It was amazing to see people frolic and play so happily in one inch of snow. I grew up in a very snowy, cold area, so this was nuts to me.
And it was too cold. I got back in the van about a minute after we got there.
The lights are so pretty. It looks all cozy and ready for the holidays. : )
Oh my goodness those lights are gorgeous!!! David did a fantastic job. Your house looks like a Christmas scene on a postcard. So inviting.
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