Yesterday, we went to a tree farm to cut down our tree, which is always amusing, since each one of us is, oh, shall we say, strong-minded. Phrases like "That one is scrawny," "Too short," "Not enough room for ornaments," "What do you mean?" "I don't like that kind," "The bluer, the

When Katie was alive, we had four opinions to juggle, but at least she and David were so happy & excited to be at the tree farm, cutting a tree, that they were a bit flexible. I have memories of them throwing a small Nerf football among the rows of beautiful trees as we tried to make a decision.
Every small girl I saw at the tree farm brought a sweet, but bittersweet, longing to my heart. David had his cup of cider there, just as we often do.

Last year, I was so angry that Katie was gone that I felt a bit snide as we were choosing a tree. I felt I was just going through the motions. This year, we spoke (as we walked through the acres of trees) about how it is still hard to do this without her, but that we are less shocked about it. We are getting used to the fact that this is our life, without Katie. She wouldn't want us to stop doing the lovely things that we enjoy, but I don't enjoy them as much, without her.
This morning, as Gregg and I took a walk on the south end of Bainbridge, we ran into one of my friends from the Bible class that I used to attend. Her name is Leigh, and her only son passed away when he was in high school; she has two surviving daughters. It was a gift to chat with Leigh, whose bereavement is now 8 years old. She wrote a very encouraging, insightful card on the one-year anniversary of Katie's passing. She told us today that the holidays are still hard. She is understanding, joyous, compassionate, broad-minded, gentle, funny and so very kind. She gives us hope that we can survive this hard road and still be ourselves. Thank you, Leigh!
I hope that your holiday preparations are filled with love and joy.
I am so happy that you are getting your holiday preparations going and moving forward....I am sure it is very hard. I imagine that EVERY part of the holidays brings back memories of how it used to be.....thank you for sharing this with us.
Will you post a picture of the completed tree? I hope I can see the lights and ornaments well...If not, I know who to blame. :)
take care,
Yes, please post a pic of the completed tree. You and your family are always in my prayers. I find myself thinking of and/or talking about Katie a lot. Ed always asks, "Katie from your Blog friend or Katie-Katie?" Our good friends have a daughter named Katie, so he gets them mixed up. It is amazing to me how our electronic "relationship" has become such an integral part of my life. I don't suppose the holidays will ever be "easier" per se, but more like just "easier to bear". As I've said before, we're all here to help with a little bit of the load. :-)
As for ornaments, did Katie have her very own special ornaments? It would be lovely to hear their historic tales. May God comfort you this season and always.
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