Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Word About Suffering

Here is the Word for the Day from

Suffering is the sandpaper of our life.
It does its work of shaping us.
Suffering is part of our training program
for becoming wise.
-Ram Dass


HWHL said...

Wise words, from a wise person.

Then there's the "pruning" analogy.... and the "kiln" analogy....

So, we go through the Sandpaper Times... and the Pruning Times... and the time in that Horribly Hot Kiln.... all the while thinking "well gee this isn't terribly comfortable".

But, as you've no doubt heard: God is much LESS concerned with our comfort than he is with our character.

With each of us, he's working on a 'finished product'.... and as long as we're on planet earth, he's not done yet.

Blessings and peace to you, my dear. :-)

Busy Bee Suz said...

This is a great quote.
So true.