
Monday, March 23, 2015

Meet Dr. Michael Jensen and His Colleagues

Ben Towne Center for Childhood Cancer Research Profile from ben towne foundation on Vimeo.

If you have wondered, "Who is Dr. Michael Jensen?" and "What is the Ben Towne Center?," the answer is right here. It will take five and a half minutes of your time, and will leave you inspired with HOPE.

At Hannah's Hopeful Hearts on April 10th, you will have another opportunity to hear from this brilliant, compassionate doctor - and from another, brilliant, compassionate doctor, Jim Olson. The intellect, love, devotion and progressive spirit which these two men bring to their mission has never before been shared on the same stage. Please join us, and give yourself the gift of an evening of music, good food and drink, and - most importantly - good news about how these gifted researchers are arresting the #1 cause of death (by disease) of children.
Curing pediatric cancer will also lead to cures for adults.

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