
Thursday, March 19, 2015

A Video Like This Changed My Life

Ben Towne Center T Cells Interacting with Neuroblastoma Cells from ben towne foundation on Vimeo.

A video like this one changed my life.

I will always remember the moment; we were attending a summer party in a beautiful condominium in Seattle. We had been invited to meet a newly-arrived researcher; he had been in town for all of five days.

We knew just a couple of the other guests, two of whom were Carin and Jeff Towne, Ben's parents.

We mingled, we admired the view, ate and drank, and then we gathered in the living room to hear the doctor - who had just joined Seattle Children's Research Institute - talk about his work.

He showed a video like the one above, except that the cancer being destroyed was a brain tumor. I leaned against a wall in stunned silence, watching this solid tumor disappear, and felt the tears welling up. I turned to Carin and choked out a whispered, This is it - this is what we've been praying for!

I saw my prayers being answered in that video.

Yes, it happened too late to save Ben and Katie. Yes, we didn't see those prayers answered in their lifetime; but we have the privilege to see them answered in OUR lifetime - and that fact has changed my life for the better. You see, we are able to contribute to, and witness, this life-saving, non-toxic treatment keeping other families from going through what we endured - what Katie, Hannah, Ben, Jenny, Hayden and countless others have endured - the horrors of poisonous chemotherapy, invasive surgery and (in some cases) radiation, only to die from the disease.

We are here to see the day when cancer treatment does not cause secondary disease and debilitating side effects. That IS answered prayer, and for that, I thank God.

I'm going to be thanking God for this again on April 10th at 7:00 P.M., as I introduce Dr. Michael Jensen to the crowd at Grace Church on Bainbridge Island. I hope you'll be there to hear what he and Dr. Jim Olson have to tell us about this breakthrough, and others which are in the works. You'll have the opportunity to be encouraged with HOPE, and to contribute to a CURE, and I hope that will change your life, as well. We'll also have excellent food, drink and music to share - it's going to be a celebration!

Please tell your friends, and visit
 to reserve your space!


  1. Just incredible Karen. I imagine it does give you comfort that in your lifetime you are able to see exponential advancement in the treatment to cure childhood cancer that will save others from having to endure the heartache that your family had to experience. And to be able to participate in spreading the news is really exciting and humbling and healing. xo

  2. Remembering that night...


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