
Friday, March 27, 2015

Inside Bainbridge Posts an Article

Inside Bainbridge, a local publication, posted a lovely article about Katie, Hannah and Hannah's Hopeful Hearts yesterday. You can read it HERE.*

Huge THANKS go out to Sarah Lane for her compassionate, sensitive and detailed coverage of the event, and the stories behind it.
*Correction: Katie was 12 and a half years old when she passed away, not 11.


  1. I am continually amazed by this doctor's work and your advocacy for it. Reading that bit about Katie made me tear up, again -- Katie's struggle, her pain and suffering and hence your own and your husband's and son's -- it's just breathtaking. Big sighs here, and gratitude for what is evolving. Thank you for sharing this with us and thank you, most of all, for sharing your Katie. Her face is imprinted in my psyche.

  2. Katie's story is heartbreaking. I am so grateful for the hard work these doctors are doing .....


Thank you for sharing your thoughts here!