
Monday, March 16, 2015

Dr. Jim Olson & TEDx Talk

Jim Olson, M.D., is one of the two brilliant cancer researchers who will be on stage at Hannah's Hopeful Hearts at 7:00 P.M. on April 10, 2015 at Grace Church on Bainbridge Island. You can find out why we are so excited to have him speak to us by watching his TEDx talk:
Another way to get to know Jim is by listening to (or reading the transcript of) his interview with NPR. You can find that interview HERE.

Jim was one of Katie's attending physicians. Although his specialty is brain tumors, and he is a gifted researcher, one of his greatest gifts is his bedside manner. We appreciated his tender care when he attended Katie. Our friend, Kathleen Strum, whose younger son, Hayden, was one of Jim's patients in the 1990s had first told us about Jim; he also attended Hannah Hunt, for whom Hannah's Hopeful Hearts is named.
Jim's Tumor Paint and his other inventions through Project Violet have the potential to revolutionize and improve cancer care. Please join us by ordering your tickets and/or donating to this work at

1 comment:

  1. Anything that can change cancer care to "more" than the big three is fantastic in my book!


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