
Friday, February 6, 2009

Various & Sundry & NAIMUN

Today, I drove to Seattle to deliver the quilts to Children's Hospital. I didn't go visiting our old "stomping grounds," because I needed to run errands and get home in time to see that David is on track with his packing...because he is leaving tomorrow, very early (due at the airport at 4:00 A.M.!) for Washington, D.C. David is part of the team of 11 students from his high school going to the North American Invitational Model United Nations conference. We are very proud of him for his interest in this, and being accepted as a participant in it. And we are thankful to Grandma and Kappa, who are generously funding the trip as a gift.

The local NAIMUN program is under the care and leadership of David's AP History teacher, whose class David enjoys a great deal. They group is going to see many of the historical and educational sights in Washington and its environs while they are there. David will be gone for a week, which is a big deal for this little mama, but we are very happy and excited for him.

While at the hospital today, I met the Volunteer Coordinator and spoke with her about our quilt project. I have a deep desire to find a way to make blankets for the entire hospital...and I have a few ideas. Do you want to help? Do you know anyone who sews? Do you know anyone who has fabric to donate? Do you know anyone in the fabric business? It takes one yard of cotton and one yard of flannel, per blanket, plus batting, thread and satin binding. Do you know anyone who wants to raise money? THE ENTIRE HOSPITAL NEEDS BLANKETS, but I can't do it all myself. So there; I said it. It's out there in the Blogisphere.

Oh, and Maribeth is coming to stay this weekend, and for part of next week. I can't wait to see her!

I wrote my piece for the "Hopeful Parents" blog (CED!) while I sat on the ferry dock, waiting for the boat. It was a nice place to think, reflect and write.

So now, I am going to make dinner for my guys, and then we are going to bed early. In order to get to the airport at that hour, we have to get up around 1:00 A.M. Sweet dreams!


  1. oh, so much going on Karen.
    I am so happy for David..I know it must be SO hard for you, but wow, what an experience he will have. So exciting.
    How nice your good friend is coming to visit!!! Yeah for you. That may help take your mind off David being gone....
    as far as the quilts...ooohhh....I wish, oh how I wish I could sew. I did some sewing of some patches for a few uniforms before and they really looked like the "special" class did it. :)
    Would a gift card to JoAnns fabric be of any use? I would love to donate, if that would help.
    Let me know....
    take care and sweet dreams.

  2. thanks for your lovely comment, karen. i do so appreciate it! best wishes to your son on his journey! he seems such a well balanced young man. you've done a nice job with him!
    i'm wondering if any quilt shops would donate scraps or anything out of season, out of favor, whatever. are there many in your area? i'll ask the quilt shop i frequent and see what they suggest...

  3. Thanks for your comments on this.
    I am thinking of asking a large chain if they want to help, as I worry that the smaller shops can't afford to donate much. It would be great to find people who want to sew, too. I would love to get a discount from a large chain of stores, and to see if any employees or customers want to sew or donate what quilters call "stash" i.e., stockpiled fabric. From what I've seen locally, most of the smaller quilt shops are already doing charity work.
    Suz, you are so sweet; YES, that would help. I get most of my supplies there (they have great coupons and sales).
    THANK YOU FOR CARING about these kids!

  4. I'll send you fabric - but can it be in March? I have so much going on this month since I am pretending to be a bookkeeper while I am at home (only to relatives who I think are on to my gig)and after the 1099's I have a lot of other non-fun stuff to do - but I'd love to contribute! I actually sold bolts of flannel at my garage sale last summer for $10
    a bolt.

    God speed, David, with your fantastic trip! Drink it in! It'll be so much fun.

    L in AK

  5. Thanks for the tip about smoothies...he might like that. I'll definently think of some ways to help you with the quilts.

    Hope all is well. It was great to hear from you.

    Dreamer Girl

  6. Karen, it is a pleasure to meet another artist as well as a Hopeful Parent! You just gained a new follower.

  7. I'd love to send you a large box of quilting fabric which I've been looking for a place to donate it to. Where should I send it? I can also donate thread. I wish I could donate time, but I am working full-time now. I'd LOVE for the fabric to go to such a worthwhile cause!

  8. L in AK, Thank you for your continuing support of this ministry! Yes, whatever, whenever, however it works for YOU. I don't want to create stress for anyone.

    Mary Jo, that is so generous of you; thank you! My email address is on the right side of Katie's CB page, which is Please let me know if you can't find it there, and I will post it another way (I couldn't open your blog to find yours).

    Thanks again to all of you who want to help! Staff (& parents who I've met) tell me that the kids and their parents LOVE these blankets. I want so much to bring comfort to this difficult time in their lives. Thanks for helping to make it happen. God bless you!

  9. LOV THE BusinESS-Y STUFF....SO ON the quilts!!! i have some great people who are so gifted in THAT AREA!!!!! LEMME SEE!!!HUGSSS
    HENrys mom!!! is courtnEY IN inDIANa????

  10. Karen,
    Could you email me
    I'm Alexis Grace's mom (nb) and I would love to get in touch with you...
    Thank you!-Jill

  11. I like the comment about surviving. Well put my dear! The best part is I hated to hurt people and say what I wanted to say. I'm learning! I got some gumption..who knew.


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