
Monday, February 9, 2009

Silver Sky Monday & Hopeful Parents

This morning, there was a silver sunrise...

...and snow on the ground when I got up! Maribeth & I had lunch together (something I miss a lot since she moved to Kansas) and then we tooled around Bainbridge a bit. She is now with her daughter for the evening.
I sent my first piece in to Hopeful Parents. If you are interested in reading it, it will be posted on the site tomorrow!
We have received a lot of text messages from David, who is having a wonderful time in Washington, D.C. He has sent some phone pics (I hope he is using the real camera some of the time) that are beautiful, though compact. It's so exciting to hear his impressions of historic sites; I can hardly wait to hear the longer version (verbal, instead of text).
I'll try to get some photos with Maribeth and post them later this week, but so far, none have been taken. It's hard to remember to take photos when we are doing normal, everyday things, even though I know she is going to leave soon...


  1. I'm so glat you were able to capture it on film. Yesterday and today I was up early enought to see some beautiful sunrises, but didn't have my camera to capture them. They always remind me of how great our Creator is.

  2. Sounds like you are having a wonderful visit...and I can feel a bit of you missing David too. (I agree w/ the real camera bit too)
    Enjoy. Love the silver sunrise...gorgeous.

  3. I'm so excited for David, I loved Washington DC! I would road trip with a friend maybe once a month and that destination was always a alive with history! Your pictures are, as usual, beautiful!

  4. I love your post at Hopeful are a gifted writer, and I'm waiting for the book deal to come your way!

    I'll take a picture of you and MB! :)

    Love you - Angela

  5. Very pretty pics! I'm so glad you could enjoy this time. : ) I hope he took some real pics too.. I don't get taking pics with the phone either. lol

  6. Love looking for the Silver Lining in that Silver Sky.......I know it's in there!

    Just wanted to say....Have a GREAT day!


  7. Karen,
    I'm curious.... is that saltwater that you overlook, or a lake? If it's saltwater, do you ever see dolphins, or orcas, or other marine mammals?

    I know when we go down to Tybee Island, one of my favorite things to do is get up very early (around sunrise) and go down to the rock jetty) where I can alway see a school of dolphins heading out in the morning... usually only about 20 yards from shore... it's always such a treat to see. :-)

  8. Thanks for the kind comments, everyone.

    HWHL, it is salt water. I LOVE the changes in the tides, the beach, the smell, the wave/seagull/heron/bald eagle sounds just everything about it. I am a TOTAL beach girl.
    We see otters & seals, most often. There have been a couple of whale sightings in the neighborhood, but we've missed them. I have seen orcas and a dolphin-like mammal (its name escapes me) when I've taken the ferry over to Seattle.

  9. Karen,
    I feel so silly... of COURSE it's Puget Sound - what was I thinking?! DUH!!! That's really cool that you get to see otters and seals, even though you've missed the whales. What fun! I love marine life. Are you familiar with Bob Talbot? I have a lot of his work... he does a lot of photography with dolphins, orcas, etc.

  10. Wow. Those sky pics are incredible!!! You guys have such a great view.


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