
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sunrise = CED Wednesday

"It is a wholesome and necessary thing for us to turn again to the earth and in the contemplation of her beauties to know of wonder and humility." - Rachel Carson

Apparently, nature is putting on a show in the mornings, especially since we are having sunny, mild days this week. That is the top of Mount Rainier in the second photo, peeking up over Bainbridge Island.

In case you haven't seen it in person, Mt. Rainier is a marvel. It reaches from sea level to 14,000 feet, and on clear days, it is visible from top to bottom in all of its symmetry and glory. It is humbling and wondrous to are the Olympic and Cascade mountain ranges, which border Seattle's vistas on the west and east, respectively. Having grown up with mountains and water all around me, I am highly sensitive to nature's awesome beauty. Seeing those mountains looming over the water is comforting. Being able to watch the sun slip slowly behind the Olympic range is a calming - perhaps a holy - experience in the evenings.

May we stop - look - listen - and allow nature to humble us and fill us with wonder today, and every day. God is a creative artist, whose works can fill us with joy.


  1. Hi, Karen. The pictures sure are amazing. I love the colors.



  2. Love these pics. What a beautiful area you live in. We have to 'go somewhere' to see stuff like that. lol : )

    You've been busy lately. Looks like you had a wonderful time with the relatives too. What fun.

  3. BEAUTIFUL!!! And yes, I have seen Mt. Rainer and been up on it in person (want to hike it one day)! I just LOVE that Mountain/Volcano. Yesterday Jordan texted me the sunrise as he was walking to school. I said pretty much the same things you did. I am so glad that while God was giving you a beautiful gift through nature, my prescious son was receiving the same gift...and I guess at the same time! (just a little taste of what Brandon & Katie must see all of the time ~ I am sure we could not comprehend). I told him how JEALOUS I was, as it was nasty, dreary, wet & snowy here in Delaware. Keep ENJOYING those gifts from God!

  4. Gorgeous pictures. I am from the west coast--now on the east coast--and I sure miss that natural beauty that just defines the west. I love when you show pictures of my "home coast." I get to vicariously enjoy your environment...and then I get a good dose of homesickness. :)

    Oh well.


  5. Gorgeous pictures. I am from the west coast--now on the east coast--and I sure miss that natural beauty that just defines the west. I love when you show pictures of my "home coast." I get to vicariously enjoy your environment...and then I get a good dose of homesickness. :)

    Oh well.


  6. Beautiful pictures. The colors are amazing!! I've never been to the West Coast but I really want to visit that area sometime!

  7. How true, being humbled by nature's beauty. I am every day as I drive to and from work along the west coast of Vancouver Island. Our view from home is across to the Olympics so I know what you speak of.

    Gorgeous pictures!

  8. Moving away from that and back to Kansas it takes a bit of refocusing of the eyes and yet, the beauty is here too. The wide open vistas, not encumbered by trees or mountains gives an open perspective. THe sun that shines almost everyday,(and YUK the wind that blows almost everyday) and the stars at night in the crystal clear sky, the corn fields I feel drawn to live near, it is an interesting transition.

  9. I will get there one day!!! I want to see that part of our country so bad...ONE day!!!
    Gorgeous. How can you not Thank the Lord each day seeing sights like that??? unbelievable.

  10. you have such a beautiful perspective.
    i know i moaned about the snow today on my blog but my drive to work was spectacular. the trees were white and the countryside was pristine and calm. so peaceful and serene. i admire its beauty and appreciate nature's awesomeness.
    thanks for sharing your photos.

  11. PERFECT...........GORGEOUS.......HUGS!!!!!

  12. I have been reading your blog for a few months and I also check in on your caringbridge site occasionally. I noticed that you mentioned finding another family with a child who is diagnosed with the same type of cancer that Katie had. You said he is the only other child that you have found that has this same type of cancer. There is another child that I am aware of who had this same cancer. His mom has a blog at Thought you might be interested in this information. I really enjoy your blog and your writing is inspirational.


  13. I keep looking back at this post to look at the beautiful pictures, very heartening. Thanks for sharing them,


  14. Amazing pictures, Karen. Thanks for sharing them.

    I was hoping I could ask a favor of you. I don't see an email address listed for you on your blog, so I'm hoping you will email me. I need to ask you about something that, in a way, involves Katie. My email is Thanks!

  15. Just lovely. You're so fortunate to live on the water. :)

  16. Barbara, thank you for the link. I went to her sites right away and left a comment.

    Clippy Mat, It's okay to moan; everybody moans, somedays! Goodness knows I do. BTW, people here do not even know what to do in the snow, other than stay at home. At least you can still function in it.

    ChiTown, THANK YOU & Stud Muffin!

    So glad you all enjoyed the view. I love it so much, and it's good to be able to share it.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts here!