
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Creative Tuesday

Yesterday was housecleaning day. No good pics were taken, but take my word for it: the house is shiny-clean and it smells great. There is something so satisfying about that.

Today was CED Tuesday...
and that meant sewing quilts for Seattle Children's Hospital (SCCA cancer ward) with Rita.

It also meant preparing a nice dinner to celebrate my mother-in-law's birthday (which is coming up on Friday).
She says she is turning 87, but I can't believe that!
I made roast beef, roasted veggies, Gregg made the salad...and I baked brownies (with chocolate truffles in them) for dessert. Gregg brought flowers for his mom, and for me, too! I set the table with our prettiest china so that she would feel special.
David played the piano for us, which we always enjoy...especially Grandma and Grandpa.
I appreciate having such sweet in-laws! They are great people, and they raised a lovely family. I am thankful to be married to their son, & to be part of their family.


  1. The quilts are so pretty...I love that they are all so colorful and cheery.
    The dinner looks fantastic as well as all the guests!!! I was looking at each picture and I was thinking, "wow, I am hungry"
    I bet you were ready to get done w/ the pictures and DIG in.
    Your inlaws are lovely...I LOVE mine as well...I must blog about them one day. It makes life so nice when everyone gets along.
    Looks like a nice evening and the flowers are so pretty too...LOVE the Gregg of yours.

  2. I miss you and seeing, touching and sewing the quilts with you. They look soooo beautiful and Iknow each one provides warmth and love for that special child who receives it. Can't wait to see you!!!!

  3. Woman, do you have six extra pairs of hands you're not telling us about? SO MANY QUILTS! And they're ALL so colorfully delicious -- just like that meal you cooked!

    Speaking of the celebration, here I thought your parents were the Cutest. Parents. Ever. But Gregg's parents are giving them a run for their money. So cool to hear you cherish them so and it's a strong relationship.

    God bless you today.


  4. The quilts are amazing, and that mother-in-law of yours is, too! 87? I hope I'm spry at 87.


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