
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Maribeth's Visit

We've had a busy week here...Maribeth left this morning; it was great to have her here. We went to Seattle to see her lovely, sweet daughter, Taylor. We had dinner together, and watched a dance performance at the basketball game...

went to see the new movie, "He's Not That Into You" (I liked it, and I go to about 2 movies a year in a theater);

went out to dinner at the Burrata Bistro (Kim & Alfonso's new restaurant) with Angela & Bev:

where the atmosphere is wonderful,

and the food is even better! If you live in the area, I recommend it. Here is Alfonso, tending bar:

It was so good to sit on the couch with Maribeth, talking into the wee relax together, face to face, just like we used to do. I'm so thankful that she is able to come back to visit, and stay with us. We (including Latte) miss you already, MB!

David is having a good week in Washington, D.C. The group has been taking in many historic sights: Mt. Vernon, the National Cathedral, Arlington National Cemetery, The Supreme Court, The National Archives, The Smithsonian, The Washington Monument, the Capitol. There have been many text messages, a few phone calls and lots of photos taken. I can't wait to see him, and his photos! He sounds as if he is enjoying all of the sights he is seeing and what he is learning. He even saw President Obama, outside of Ford's Theater yesterday! Talk about living history. This evening was the beginning of the Model UN sessions. It will be fun to hear all about that.


  1. David sounds like he is taking in all of Washington D.C. (I may get there one day too)
    Glad you and MB had a nice visit...some friends are just the comfortable that you don't even have to be doing anything to enjoy them.
    The neighborhood restaraunt looks so delightful!! **jealous**
    I also only see a few movies a year and I loved that movie too...very cute, lots of laughing.

  2. Really loved seeing your sky and cloud photos. Working our way back to SD from Tenn on Monday ... looking forward to spring : )

  3. Hi Karen~ DC is a fun place. I have been there often. There is always something to do!

    I saw the story of your Katie. I wish I could have known her. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Loved the contrast of the silver sky photographs with the previous ones (that have been all pinky-orange loveliness). SO cool that David actually SAW the prez! And outside Ford's Theatre too. It seems like he's going to DC at the right age for wonderful reasons -- and that he's fully engaged in what he's doing.

    And hooray for rich time spent with dear friends. Here's hoping Maribeth can make it back to see you soon.

    Cool photos of the restaurant. It looks like a place one could linger and linger. Liked the red lights in particular, as well as the way they contrasted with the yellow wall. Isn't it great to have neighborhood restaurants you love -- and that are owned by friends?!

    Also -- your post on getting quilts made for all the kids at the hospital was inspiring. Is it all sewing by machine, or is some by hand? I don't have a machine; I sew by hand (it'd be cool to have a machine; I just don't have one right now). I do embroidery of sorts as well -- mostly onesies for friends' babies with initials, the name of the kid, flowers, branches with leaves, etc.

    Don't know if any of that would be helpful to you, but thought I'd put it out there. It'd be wonderful to be part of this.


  5. Jennifer: you are so dear to want to contribute to the quilt project! You could for sure sew them by hand, if you have the time (& patience). It's all straight line sewing, and the materials are simple to put together. One seamstress did the "quilting" (tacking it together in 5-6 places in the middle) by hand, with yarn. I would be happy to send you the directions, if you want to to send me your email address. Thank you for wanting to help!

    Noe Noe Girl: Thanks for your comment. I'm glad that you had a chance to read about Katie. She was a jewel.
    I went to your blog & saw your posting about your husband; what a fabulous, strong, cool-headed man. He sure loves you and your son!

  6. LOVE the new restaurant, and can't wait to take Adam there...maybe we can go on a double date one of these days? :) Love you - Angela


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