
Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Old Gem...and the (sort of) New

This has died (a moment of respectful silence, please).

It led a long and useful life as my dad's car, before becoming our car nearly 8 years ago (Gregg calls it "the gem"). We knew its days were numbered, but we were trying to hold off from replacing it until it actually died, with the economy as it is right now. Gregg wanted a "fun" car, but economics have guided us into practicality (again).

The Gem needs a new transmission, and it's not worth the investment.

We have been borrowing a car from my parents, while we waited for Gregg to come home from Spain and decide what he wants as a replacement. It helps to have a brother-in-law (who is as honest as the day is long) in the used-car business (Auto Connections East). So yesterday, we bought this

on his lot, and it is now Gregg's immaculate, practical, gas-economical, sturdy, reliable commuter car. It's not new (a 2002), but it only has 25,000 miles on it & the price was modest! We're happy and grateful. David is not thrilled, or impressed with our choice, as he had his sights set on something a little jazzier, but we figure that he can always get a job and buy a jazzier car for himself, one day. Or this one might start looking good to him.

We had a quick visit with Laura & Tom at their house, on our way to pick up the car; we got to love on Wrigley, and meet the infamous Chumley. He came up to greet us at the front door, and looked as if he was going to let me pet him, but instead, he gave me a swat and a growl. Of course, I'm in love with him. He's unattainable, and therefore very attractive. *sigh* Beverly, if you're reading this, you have my sympathies. I get it now.


  1. Don't tell Bev, but I think you're hot stuff...

  2. Gregg, so sorry to hear the gem is gone...and David, a bummer that you didn't get the jazzy car you wanted...and yet, it looks good to me! :) David - my kids LOVED getting to see you the other night, and hope you all stayed healthy! Love, Angela

  3. Hooray! You met the FAMOUS Chumley! :-)

    I'm ALWAYS very excited to hear when a car lives a very long life. I had lunch with an old friend today and she drives the SAME car I do (Chrysler Sebring) and hers has 220,000 miles on it! (Mine is a veritable BABY with just 105,000 miles.... so I have a ways to go to catch up with hers!

    I love being frugal! ONE DAY I'll convince my husband it is "the way" to live!

    And congrats on the new purchase (and you Lucky Ducky - to have a relative in the used car business - that's great!)

    Hope you're having a fabulous weekend! :-)

  4. Practicallity wins out lately doesn't it? The car sounds like a new "gem". Low miles, clean and reliable. If only all of us had that much going for us right????
    Chums? Very funny that you love him because he is unattainable. I love that. :)
    take care,

  5. I had that EXACT same car up until 3 years ago. 1994 Ford Explorer...white! We actually had a blue/green one as well...matching cars.

    When we moved back to WA state I hit a patch of black ice and rolled the explorer with my two kids (I was pregnant with our third)...My Explorer protected us and I love my was totaled and I was sad to see it go...

    What a fun new car to have though!! Woo-hoo!!


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