
Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

How things change, in the course of a year.

Last year, at this time, I did not post photos of Katie in her last Halloween costume (as Elizabeth Swann from Pirates of the Caribbean); I thought she wouldn't like it, because she wasn't entirely happy with the way she looked.

Today, I believe that she would want me to go ahead and do what I want to do, because she is free...and she has a generous nature. So, here are some Halloween memories:

Wishing you a Happy Halloween!


  1. OMG, Katie looks about 21 years old in that devil costume! These photos are adorable! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Smiley: note the MINK jacket (handed down from my great-grandmother, worn many a year, in order to keep warm on Halloween!)

  3. The pictures are beautiful. Thank you for sharing. I am sure you treasure them I will.

  4. I love seeing the age progression. Very sweet.

  5. Such beautiful children. i hope the happy memories of halloween's past are a comfort to you now.
    thanks for sharing.

  6. I really loved being able to see Katie through the years in one post. That was sweet of you to put that together ... I just love you so much!

  7. She's beautiful. Happy Halloween.

  8. I can't imagine why she wasn't thrilled with her Elizabeth Swann look; she's fabulous! Of course MY daughter went as Captain Jack... I'll send you a photo.

    Happy Halloween, indeed. I love that you said she's free now; what a wonderful thought!

  9. Katie looks beautiful in every picture you post, even if she didnt feel beautiful at the time. Thank you for posting!

  10. She is SO CUTE. My goodness. And, as in most every photo of her, she's so full of life and joy. I was especially struck by this in the photo of her in the blue dress, where David was a skeleton. Thank you for posting them!



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