
Monday, November 3, 2008

Team Unite & Great Coffee

If you are interested in working to help find a cure for childhood cancer, to get funding for research or to increase awareness (your own or others'), please visit the Team Unite website.

Team Unite was created by the parents of a childhood cancer patient, Henry Tucker. Henry passed away, and now his mother, Michelle, is doing what she can to make a positive difference for others in the world of childhood cancer. Katie is featured as one of the new additions to the "Meet the Teams" page on Team Unite today. This page is updated weekly, so she won't be featured in that spot for long. A link to her caringbridge site, with her photo, is (and will remain) on the right side of the page, with a little "angel" icon next to it; you can always access her page using that link, like the one on the sidebar to the right (here).

God bless all of the families who are part of Team Unite, and all whose lives have been touched by cancer.

**********Change of Subject**********

If you want to buy the best coffee I've ever tasted (here in the States), visit the link on my sidebar called "Grounds for Change" under "Links I Like." Grounds for Change is a local company, owned by Stacy and Kelsey Marshall (Owen's parents) of Indianola, WA (near us), and it is a fair-trade coffee business. Their Half-Caff is my delicious morning wake-up, and is but one of many coffees that they roast right in their own facility. They have sample packages, gift assortments and wonderful, hefty mugs; they even ship! If you are stumped for a holiday gift, this might be what you are looking for.


  1. Oh, I got lost on that site. SO many stories. Such heartbreak and also many miracles.
    My oldest has been complaining of headaches for a while. They tend to come and go.....I am thinking after reading all of this that I should get her in for a check up.

  2. Suz: It's a good idea to have her checked, but it's probably NOT anything like cancer. I don't want to create worry here. God bless you, friend.


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