
Sunday, October 26, 2008

smileygirl & Symphony

Yesterday was a great day around here. Gregg and I slept in, and then got up and took a walk together as the sun was breaking through the clouds. Then we came home, cleaned up and got ready for a visit from...smileygirl and her husband, Tom.

This is one of the fun things about blogging: smiley and I met through our blogs. Those of you who read hers know that she has recently relocated from southern California to Seattle. I got to meet her this summer when she was up here visiting, but this is the first time that we were able to introduce our families (including their dog, Wrigley). We had lunch here, and then took them on a brief tour of downtown Bainbridge Island, aka Winslow.

After buying dog treats for Wrigley at the bakery (and having a "FAILBLOG" moment, which smileygirl photographed), we took a sunny walk around town and a bought some hot coffee. Then Gregg, David and I had to return home, to dress for the symphony. We have tickets to three performances this season, which we allowed David to select. All of us love Mozart, so David chose 2 evenings built around Mozart's music (last night's was Eine Kliene Nachtmusik), and one evening of Vivaldi's Four Seasons.

I don't get dressed up very often, since I work from home (as a homemaker). It has become a treat to have a reason to wear a dress and beautiful shoes...and once again, one of the lovely dresses from Alex's mom, Zena, was the gem that I had the joy of wearing.

I don't wear brown...ever. I have brown eyes, brown hair (going gray, but still!), brown "beauty marks" on my face, etc., and I am just not attracted to the color. HOWEVER, this dress is so pretty and so elegant in its simplicity that I bought brown tights and brown suede shoes to match it, and I haven't felt this pretty and chic in a long time. (The photo doesn't do it justice, but I had to post it anyway.) I LOVED wearing it! Thank you again, Alex, Angela and Bev for sharing with me.

We invited my parents to join us for dinner and the concert. This was our anniversary gift to them (their anniversary was in August). My dad is recovering nicely from his surgery, so the timing of this concert was just right. We ate a delicious dinner at The Brooklyn, and walked across the street to Symphony Hall. If you are a fan of Dale Chihuly's, you would enjoy this building; two of his installations hang suspended from the outer lobby's ceiling.

I thought about both Zena and Katie as I enjoyed feeling the music washing over & through me in Benaroya Hall. It was a beautiful concert, and such fun to share it with our son, who loves music, and my parents, who have treated us to many symphony concerts over the years.


  1. How great to visit with Smiley and her Hubby. It sounds like a wonderful time. How was the Wrigs boy???? Adorable????
    The symphony and dinner sound just delightful also.
    I Love Dale Chihuly's work. So brilliant.

  2. Sounds wondeful. You look happy and beautiful!

  3. I am so happy to see you all in that photo! Your day together sounds like perfection. I miss Wriggles. How did he like the island? He's a great boy, isn't he? Did he perhaps want a "Latte"? :-)

    I just ordered a Dale Chihuly rose from our nursery for the backyard. Love the colors.

    Your entire day was beautiful and you looked happy and as beautiful as the day was. Welcome back Gregg!

  4. Wow - isn't the blogosphere cool? How else would you have met Laura? And your other blogger friends?

    And how COOL to meet Wrigley in "person"?!!!

  5. I hope to post the Fruit Fail pic later tonight! We had so much fun with you guys. Feels like family being with all of you.

    The dress looks gorgeous on you. Perfect for this time of year too. Very fall and chic!

  6. If only I could look that good!
    Silly girl. You always look healthy and in good shape. Classy!

    In my case, I look good eating a little debbie. LOL


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