
Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Colorful Walk

We took a walk this morning down on the south end of Bainbridge Island. It was sunny, and warm enough to wear short sleeves. The leaves were absolutely gorgeous.

We walked from Pleasant Beach through Fort Ward Park, out the other side of the park, and down a one-lane road that has a beautiful view to the south and east. It's one of my favorite walks.

Gregg, David and I enjoyed one another's company, and noticed the brightly-colored leaves and evergreens silhouetted against the blue sky. The small, wispy clouds added beauty.

David did some stunts on the old bunkers in the park, and I stopped to take photos of the view.
These are cormorants (I think). They often sit on buoys or docks and hold their wings out to dry. Today, it looked as if they were just having a social gathering. They reminded me of the vultures in the animated film, "The Jungle Book," by Walt Disney.
Does anyone else remember them?
Two Japanese maples framed a little path through this yard.
I love autumn.


  1. SOOOO GORGEOUS. It looks like heaven on earth there. If I were you, I would NEVER leave.
    I love the jungle book, one of my most favorite stories ever.
    I miss those days of reading those good books and watching the movies too.
    Thanks for sharing.
    have a good day, Suz

  2. I actually thought the first photograph was a painting; it was so perfectly composed and the colors interacted so beautifully. The last one is stunning -- the red looks like it's on fire.
    The Jungle Book was indeed a GREAT movie -- I remember the Beatles-esque vultures. I bet if you leaned in closely, you would have heard those cormorants singing.
    Glad you have been "eating up" the fall colors; companionship with your husband, son, parents and old and new friends; and the joys of music as well ... as you continue to bear the heavy weight of Katie's loss. I have been pondering your blog post where you wrote on death being the opposite of birth, not the opposite of life, and it has given me a fresh perspective and a quiet, somber kind of hope.
    My grandfather is dying, and as I fly out to see him, I will be pondering many of your words. Thank you for reaching out to all of us and letting us share, in part, your journey.


  3. So beautiful; I'm glad you got out to enjoy it. And YAY for the Jungle book -- loved the book as a kid, and adored the movie.

    I went to Grace yesterday -- first time in several months -- and sat next to Dick. I love having them there; makes it feel like home. It was good to be back; first free Sunday in ages. And to come out and see those amazing yellow trees against the sky -- a worshipful moment indeed.


  4. How beautiful!!! Actually the worship song "How Beautiful" played in my head and heart the moment I looked at your photo's. My son Jordan, who is attending school in Renton, but is back home for a visit here in Delaware said how vibrant the leaves are out there in Washington. I can see they sure are!

    Thinking of you and praying for you often, and checking daily (even though I don't often sign).

    Enjoy those beautiful days!


  5. karen:
    this is my first visit to your blog.
    it feels nice here.
    i'll be back.

  6. How beautiful! I love your rosary. What a beautiful sentiment...I told you that you should write books as you are making a difference on blog land.

    BLess you

  7. Hi Karen,

    Yes we are sooo enjoying our visit with Jordan. And yes, he has had a bit of an adjustment from the East coast to the West coast, but is doing well and really likes the town of Renton. When we were out there in June of 07, we LOVED it! Therefore encouraging him to think about an adventure there. I have to say, Mt Rainier captured my heart and the day on the mountain still takes my breath away! But I think I would much prefer Washington during those sunny warm months. I don't think I could do the rainy season. Well, didn't mean to "ramble"...thanks for the visit. Have a wonderful day!



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