Sunset, Tofino, B.C., August, 2007 |
Through this wonderfully-interconnected blogisphere, I met Jim of
Ocean Breezes. Jim's blog is refreshing, peaceful and a gift to the eyes. His photography overflows with beauty and clarity, and his writing voice is gentle and contemplative. I loved his recent posting
dealing with sadness) so much that I want to share it with you; you can visit Jim by clicking
Hi Karen;
Thank you for posting a link to Jim's blog.
When you are sad, just be sad. It's refreshing to have permission.
Thank you Karen,
Oh I love the link. What a beautiful little blog.
Thank you for sharing, Karen. I've learned to allow myself to just be sad if I want to be sad. No explanations. No excuses. Just plain sad.
What a find, Karen! Thank you for the beautiful link.
Peaceful is always good.
Will go check him out as well.
I have read the post about sadness over and over, at least 5 or 6 times. It has resonated with me. I've been in deep thought with the words. Thank you for sharing your find...
I have a question about your blog. Please email me!
i love the generosity that is you!
thanks for the beauty and the thoughts of Ocean Breezes!
I'm writing today to let you know that I am remembering Katie ~ your beautiful little girl . It is hard to fathom that the little girl cartwheeling on the beach is gone, and I'm so sorry. I know how deeply and immensely you miss her.
You, Gregg, David and Katie are in my thoughts and prayers today.
Much love and understanding, Carol
Karen, thank you for posting on momcologist.com
I am enjoying reading over your blog, I hope you keep on keeping on and posting!
Blessings to you,
Kirsten - momcologist to Rhema
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