
Friday, April 15, 2016


my updated website:

I haven't been writing here, because I've been painting in every spare moment. Since taking Flora Bowley's Bloom True course in Portland, and taking her online e-course (available for one year at a time), all I want to do is paint. It's as if a great river has been released from its dam.

I've had the privilege of selling some of the work, and have been able to donate a couple of paintings to charity. I didn't dare to dream that any of this would be possible so soon after taking the course, and it fills my heart with joy.

Please visit my website and take a look at the gallery of paintings that are in the slideshow. Leave a question or comment here or there, sign up for updates, and please visit my Redbubble page, as well:
I have photographs as well as paintings listed there. 

Original paintings are available by contacting me directly on the website, here or via email at karengberger at gmail dot com. Printed products are available through Redbubble. It's super-easy and fun to order from  Redbubble; the items are made-to-order and shipped quickly. I love my new iPhone case, made from one of my own paintings:
In addition to painting, I am serving on the Bainbridge Public Library board (now in the second year of a three-year term), teaching Word Soup(c) at the Poulsbo branch of Kitsap Regional Library this month, and working at the Bloedel Reserve as a facilitator of the Strolls for Well-Being program. All of these endeavors are wonderful opportunities for growth, sharing and fellowship with the community.

The process of stepping into my artistic self and painting as a vocation has been liberating, illuminating, challenging, gratifying and joyful. I want to be in the studio every day; it is a passion and a drive within. I pray that my work will grow as I continue, and bless all who see it. May it bless you!

Here is my most recent finished painting:
"Jellyfish Garden," 36" x 36" (available for sale)


  1. I am so happy you are finally released and able to paint and be your artistic self. I am loving watching your new work emerge. : )

  2. I can't express to you how happy this makes me!!! I absolutely love your style of painting; such vivid colors that create lovely feelings. SOOOOO happy you've got an outlet again for your creativity. LOVE!!!!

    1. Thank you, Suz! I love your new Boxer painting! XO


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