
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Work in Progress Means...

...being bold
...going to the edge 
...risking and going farther
...letting go of what doesn't work
 ...working with what's working

...patiently, expressively, again and again
...until you know it's "finished." Notice that this painting started life as a horizontal piece, but ended up being vertical. It's an intuitive process!

Today is the first day of Flora Bowley's five-week Bloom True e-course, and I've enrolled. It's a perfect way to continue to grow in this way of painting, with Flora's guidance and the benefit of a virtual community. Graduates of her in-person Bloom True workshops receive a discount, and everyone has the privilege of using the class materials for a FULL YEAR. You can take the five weeks at your own pace, and you can take them over and over again, all year long. It's a fabulous opportunity to study with Flora again, and I can't wait to begin!


  1. It is lovely! I really like the yellow! Such a cheerful colour- always makes me smile.

  2. Also love the feather elements. And the 'bubbles'!

  3. I'm so happy for you and love how you're revealing your process -- and those beautiful paintings at every stage!

  4. I can only imagine the joy in your heart as you paint again. This piece is absolutely amazing; the colors are so vibrant and lovely.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts here!