
Wednesday, April 15, 2015


During the past week, members of Field's End Writers' Community's Core Team met with programming staff of the Kitsap Regional Library. We have a vibrant, welcoming library system here in Kitsap County, and the staff is simply superb. Field's End is a committee of the Bainbridge Public Library (upon whose board I serve), and the Bainbridge Public Library is a part of Kitsap Regional Library, so we are able to share programming resources and information. We are working on new kinds of collaboration, and it is tremendously exciting. I love our libraries!
One of these collaborative events is coming up in May: I am going to teach WORD SOUP in the Poulsbo Branch of KRL. Last year, I taught WORD SOUP for Field's End at the Bainbridge Public Library, and this year, KRL Poulsbo has graciously invited me to teach it here. If you are an aspiring writer, a former writer, or a "blocked" writer, we'd love to have you join us for this fun, easy-going yet motivating series. We will meet each Tuesday evening in May from 6:00 - 8:00 P.M. in the West Reading Room of the Poulsbo Library. It's free and all are welcome, but space is limited, so if you'd like to join us, please register at (360)779-2915.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts here!