
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Stroll for Well-Being, Spring Session

I started my new job yesterday!
I am a co-facilitator of the Stroll for Well-Being at the Bloedel Reserve on Bainbridge Island, and am thrilled about it.

This program was created by Ruth McCaffrey, DNP, FAAN, a professor of Nursing at Florida Atlantic University. It's my privilege to be learning from, and co-facilitating with, Ruth. She is a gem.

Ruth originally created the program for the Morikami Garden in Palm Beach County, Florida. Over 700 people have participated in it. Here is what participants have to say about the Morikami Stroll for Well-Being program:
Ruth created a customized program for the Bloedel Reserve. Today was our first of three meetings for the spring sessions (one group in the morning and one in the afternoon). Each person present received a beautiful journal, filled with inspirational quotes, ideas for reflection, maps, blank (unlined - wonderful!) pages for writing/drawing and gorgeous, full-color photographs of the Reserve. The journal itself is a treasure, but in addition, each participant also receives a one-year membership in the Reserve.

I predict that it is going to be great fun, and a healthy experience for everyone, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Both of the Spring Stroll sessions are filled, but if you are interested in joining a summertime Stroll for Well-Being, just contact Erin ( and she will put your name on the list.

I cannot imagine a better job for me, right now. Thank you, Ruth, Erin and Bloedel Reserve for making this possible!


  1. This is too cool for words! I wish I had your job!! You yourself will be an inspiration to your walkers, let alone the beautiful surroundings. Know this will bring much good to everyone involved.

  2. Thank you, Karen - I am so happy! I would love to take you to the Bloedel Reserve one day!

  3. Just wow. Watched the video and was wishing we had a program like that nearby. Looks so peaceful and reflective and nourishing, not just to the body but to the heart and mind. This is going to be amazing for you.


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