
Thursday, May 1, 2014

My Heart Overflows

Laura and I took a road-trip last weekend. We went to see David, because she has never been able to visit him at college, so far - in fact, she had never been to Spokane before.
The suspension bridge is below us, to the right
Girls' weekends are wonderful, and a girls' road trip is even more exciting. Talking, driving, talking, laughing, talking, eating, talking, drinking, talking, sleeping, talking, walking, talking...we had a lot of catching up to do! And to be able to spend time with David and his friends, in their element, before they all go in different directions post-graduation was, simply put, a gift.
Before the Senior Dance (thanks to the girls who posted photos on FB)
We visited a state park, crossed a suspension bridge, took an urban hike, took David out for hearty meals, went to the local brew pub and coffeehouse. We were even invited to a party. What happens at the Beer Olympics stays at the Beer Olympics, but I'll say that we played Beer Ball, saw a lot of people in costume and had a jolly good time. They made us feel so welcome.

We took some of the gang out to a restaurant afterward, which was also great fun.
While David was at the Senior Dance, Laura and I had a drink in the famous Peacock Lounge at the historic Davenport Hotel, and went exploring afterward, peeking into roped-off rooms and admiring the beautiful architectural details, old photographs and memorabilia on display.

We drove home through hail, sunshine, high winds, rain and snow - safely, thanks to God and our guardian angels.
Today, I had an productive meeting with a Core Team member to finalize plans for Word Soup, the workshop for beginning writers which I'm going to lead for Field's End. If you live in the area and are interested, you are welcome to sign up at I am excited to share inspiration and encouragement with other writers!

And just a few minutes ago, I received a link to a live donation page for the  
Katie Gerstenberger Endowment 
for Cancer Research at Seattle Children's Hospital. This came about because one of Gregg's cousins is planning a party for her daughter's birthday, and in lieu of presents for the soon-to-be one-year old, Aria, she is going to ask for donations to Katie's endowment. What a generous and thoughtful woman - thank you, Rebecca! 

Our representative at Seattle Children's Foundation, Carly, was able to coordinate the creation of this page (in less than a week - thank you, Carly!), making donations easy-as-pie for Rebecca's guests and EVERYONE else who wants to support T-Cell therapy cancer research in the Jensen Lab at the Ben Towne Center for Childhood Cancer Research at Seattle Children's Research Institute. Check out the page - it's so cool!

My heart is overflowing with gratitude and joy. Happy May Day!


  1. Girls' weekends are the best! Sounds like it was a fun one. :) If I lived in the area, I would so be at your writing workshop. I finished your book, I loved it and I highlighted some things that hit home for me. I'll share them with you via email. xo

  2. Such good times and wonderful, wonderful news. I find it difficult to believe that your David is graduating from college -- it doesn't seem that long ago that you shared with us your journey to send him to college! I am so grateful, though, that I can keep coming back here to read what you write, to look at the photos and to learn of what's going on in your life.

  3. I LOVE all the good news here!! The donation page is brilliant and for someone to want to donate in lieu of gifts is so generous. Your weekend away looks fabulous; you did a lot in a short amount of time. I can't believe David is graduating….time is flying my friend.
    I know you'll do great in your word soup event.

  4. I love that joy. You positively radiate. David is graduating, too? Can it be so? Thinking of you this Mother's Day and hoping it is lovely for you.


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