
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Book of Awakening

If you have never read "The Book of Awakening" by Mark Nepo, I suggest you look for it. It is a daybook full of gems. Mark Nepo is a cancer survivor, so when he writes about pain, I know that he knows what he is talking about.

The reading for today included this (emphasis added by me):
"One of the most difficult things for us to accept is that beneath all our dreams and disappointments, we live and breathe in abundance. It is hard when in pain to believe all that we ever need is before us, around us, within us. And yet it is true.
"Like leafless trees waiting for morning, something as great and as constant as the Earth holds us up and turns us ever so slowly toward the light. Our task is only to be rooted and patient.
"...The presence of God has never eliminated pain, only made it more bearable.
"...Time and again, we are asked to outlast what we want and hope for, in order to see what's there. It is enough."


  1. I love Nepo's writing so much, and this book in particular. The writing for today is particularly resonant for me as well -- even thought I've had the book and gone through it for a couple of years, I am still grateful for the reminders.

    1. Love to you, dear Elizabeth - I like knowing that we're reading and finding comfort in the same book!

  2. I've never read Nepo's book and will obtain a copy for myself. The portions you've quoted are encouraging, if hard. I am catching up on your site after being away for awhile, and you have so much going on! Congratulations and good luck to you on your Writer's Workshop and your continued work with physicians-in-training. What a special gift you have. And your willingness to share yourself, even at great personal cost, is truly inspirational. I know that through your work, you are planting seeds of good that will ripen and bear fruit to the benefit of many others. God bless you!

    Karen B.

    1. Thank you, Karen - it's good to "see" you here again! God bless you.

  3. I don't know Karen, not having my child with me in my presence, it's hard to accept that all I ever need is before me, around me and within me. Yes, Jack will always be within me, but I really need him here with me! Sounds like a great read though - thanks for the recommendation.

    1. Thank you for sharing your honest feelings, Ann. I pray for comfort for your aching heart.


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