
Sunday, August 2, 2009

We Love You, Andrea & Mike!

On this day, two years ago, our niece Andrea married Mike Cunningham, and helped to make one of Katie's dreams come true.

Mike and Andrea were engaged to be married, and had asked Katie to be a bridesmaid in their wedding in February, 2008. When we learned in July, 2007 that Katie's cancer was back - and was terminal - they moved their wedding up - six months early - so that Katie could be sure to be in it.
She was their maid of honor.

That's their dog, Lena (who was also in the wedding), licking Katie's foot.

It was a beautiful outdoor ceremony, in Andrea's parents' front yard. Our talented friend Paul Dudley took the fabulous photos.

We treasure those photos.
Katie passed away exactly two weeks later.

Andrea & Mike: Thank you for starting your marriage by giving our family this precious gift.
We will always celebrate this day with the sweetest memories, and we can never thank you enough.

We love you, Andrea & Mikey!


  1. This story always brings tears to my eyes - in a world where the wedding industry is so focussed on convincing brides that they need the must-have dress, the expensive favours, months and months of planning, it is refreshing to read a story about a couple who put family first and realised that marriage is about becoming part of each other's families and shouldering the burdens that that entails. And the photos are amazing. Wishing them every best for the next year - when's their baby due?!

    I'm sure the next fortnight will hold many "two years ago..." moments - thinking of you and your family, Karen.

    Irene x

  2. That is one of the most beautiful things I've ever read. Andrea and Mike are wonderful people. What a treasure for you. Your daughter is so precious and beautiful in her maid of honor dress. Hugs to you and your family.

  3. Katie looks so beautiful in those pictures Karen. *tears*


  4. Your niece and her husband are two of the most thoughtful and generous people I've ever heard of. What a wonderful gift they gave to Katie, and the rest of the family.

    I know the next few weeks will not be easy, so know that I'll be praying for you.

  5. So beautiful... love these pics of your beloved Katie!

  6. Oh Karen....

    I just wish she was still here.

    Katie is beautiful Karen.

    Love Renee xoxo

  7. Irene, it's good to hear from you again. I can answer you in an XO


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