
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

More Wedding Memories

These wedding photographs are making me happy, so I am going to post more.

Here are Mike and David. David was an usher in the wedding.
Mike is a firefighter, so he got married in uniform.

Andrea & Mike. Aren't they a beautiful couple?
Katie and Andrea, as Katie gives Paul (the photographer) one of her favorite, signature expressions. So fierce.
Here I am, thanking Andrea. There aren't words adequate to describe this feeling.

Here are Katie and Meghan, watching the ceremony. I wonder what they were thinking. Katie is holding Andrea's bouquet for her.
A close-up of Caroline, Katie and Meghan, watching the ceremony. What a beautiful trio.
Katie and her cousin, Joey (Andrea's brother), walking down the aisle. I love the shot of Katie's delicately beautiful back, and the gorgeous beauty mark on her left scapula. Gregg has one, that's a gift from her daddy.
Hanging out, having fun with my girl, getting ready for the wedding.
Those luminous green eyes, that perfect nose, darling mouth, strong chin, soft, smooth skin, and that beautiful character behind it all...I can't wait to look into Katie's face again, to kiss her and hold her in my arms. I miss my girl.


  1. Those photos made me cry. They're so beautiful. Katie is so beautiful and you, too. In every way -- both your spirits just shine through the physical beauty.

  2. So sweet... so beautiful.


  3. I love love that one of Katie 'giving attitude'! For someone who never had the privilege of meeting her I feel as though I get a tiny insight into her character by looking at these candid photos. Thank you for sharing such personal memories.

    You look so beautiful in the photos - that one of you hugging Andrea certainly 'says a thousand words'


  4. Thanks for sharing these, Karen, they truly are magical - and beautiful...I always think about the old hymn when I think about the reunion with those that have gone ahead - "when we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be!" YES! And, I know, we'll all get to meet Katie, too! Love, L in AK

  5. you have the most wonderfully serene expression on your face. absolutely lovely photos and i'm glad you have those happy memories to comfort you.
    hugs :-)

  6. Made me cry too. Your Katie is a beauty, and the two of you just radiate in that final frame. What a picture of all that is in you both. Someday, someday, all united together again.
    Comfort to you.

  7. Katie is beautiful, like her mother.

  8. Wonderful photo's....I can feel the love...and also know and feel the pain. Thank you so much for your kinds words. I also knew your "day" was coming up as well. And with your recent other changes, I think that it inflames all those other hurts. At least that has what has been going on here on the East Coast. A couple of hard losses, and knowing that road that the families are just starting out on.

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful photo's and memories. As I have said keeps them EVERYWHERE! I think of Katie here in Delaware!

    Praying for you and your family.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts here!