
Monday, August 10, 2009

It Makes Me Smile

Life's simple pleasures...a hot day, saltwater and kids...
these things make me smile.

David went swimming in front of our house a few days ago, but the water was too cold to enjoy it very much (it stays in the 50s, Fahrenheit, year-round). He swam out to our neighbor's buoy and back, and he was numb by the time he finished. Gregg rowed alongside of David (with the cats in the rowboat).

Both David and Katie used to have wetsuits, but they outgrew them, and we haven't taken the time to shop for a replacement.

The other day, while visiting my parents, David wanted to swim again, so my dad let him wear his fishing wetsuit.

It looks as if it worked just fine.

During these heavy days, it's nice to see something that floats - something happy & light, like this young man's beautiful smile.


  1. I just cannot believe how old he looks, it is just too weird. That is that reminder of the passing of time and the approach of my special wedding anniversary. Love to you all

  2. Very handsome - great pictures! L

  3. Those pics made me smile. I am thinking of all of you... Friday, I recieved my tee shirts with Katie on the back. Mike wore his on saturday. I wish my camera had not been dead to get a pic of him with it on :(

  4. Beautiful photo's & Beautiful memories! I enjoyed them.


  5. I loved reading that memory, and the comfort of your handsome son swimming where those memories live. Bittersweet for sure, but thankful it's not just bitter... if you know what I mean.
    Beautiful family, one and all.
    Hugs, Karen

  6. That is beautiful and a wonderful reminder to delight in the "little things." Every time you post a recient photo of David I can't get over how much he's matured in the short time we've known your family.

  7. great pics- very happy. Wow that young man is a stunner! A real heartbreaker.

  8. And a beautiful smile it is! It could brighten anyones day!!

  9. He is so handsome and what a beautiful smile.

    David is a beautiful son.

    You are a very dear friend.

    Love Renee xoxo

  10. He is so adorable and, yes, full of light and happiness.

  11. A beautiful smile indeed. (a silver-ribboned gift) My thoughts are with you this week. A poem I thought you'd like:

    Only people, our lives shorter than trees,
    We want something to rely on.

    Water that gushes from deep wells,
    Skin that heals, a heart that pumps.

    Blood without our constant vigil, At least a single dream come true,

    Or morning light that opens the earth
    Like a silver-ribboned gift.

    -Ken Brewer


Thank you for sharing your thoughts here!