
Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Guild for Blankets (& Comfort)

Yesterday, I met with two people from Seattle Children's Hospital's Guild Association. We discussed the idea of turning "Katie's Quilters" into a guild, which would spread the word -- and the opportunity to help bring blankets and comfort to children who are in the hospital. Handmade blankets and quilts are a touch of "home" and love that are real and tangible to patients and families.

It has been given a "green light." A guild will be created, named in Katie's honor, devoted to sewing, knitting and/or crocheting blankets for patients at Seattle Children's Hospital. People who do not sew, knit or crochet are welcome to participate by raising funds, donating fabric, yarn or gift cards.

This is a dream-coming-true for me! Thanks to Seattle Children's Hospital's Guild Association for its help in making this dream a reality. If you'd like to join the guild, please leave your email address in a comment here, and stay tuned for more information.

The fact that this news came just now is a gift that helps to ease my heart's pain over the 2nd-year "anniversary" of her passing . Thanks be to God!


  1. I'm willing to help. Let me know what I can make! Thanks for helping, from a mom of a special needs child. So sorry for your loss.

  2. I would love to help out.

  3. Bless you for doing all of this, especially when your heart is heavy. I would love to donate to Katie's cause, so please let me know where.

  4. Bless you for doing all of this, especially when your heart is heavy. I would love to donate to Katie's cause, so please let me know where.

  5. Oh my dear friend, this is something you have been working towards for so long. I am sooooo happy for you, for Children's and for all the kids who will receive their own blanket to hold onto.

  6. Count me in. It was so nice to hear from you. I like your profile picture. I don't blog as much as I am trying to do more activities but I think about you often. Enjoy those saltwater days. I've been especially enjoying the lightening bugs this year. Brings back so many childhood memories.
    God bless you as well.
    Dreamer Girl.

  7. I was THRILLED to read this today -- talk about a dream come true! Yes, please include me in the guild:


    Will be holding you in my thoughts and prayers this weekend during the anniversary. May you sense, if not see, many butterflies surrounding you ...

    Love to you -

  8. Hazzah! Count me in.

  9. I would love to be a part of it.

  10. I would be honored to be a part of this. Thank you for your determination and your generous, compassionate spirit Karen.


  11. count me in idea X

  12. Oh, that's amazing. The timing and the poignancy of it all. The quilts are such a tangible offering of love and comfort, and they are as good for the maker as they are for the receiver. What a beautiful tribute to your daughter. I am so touched and can't wait to hear how this progresses. I too will pass the word. It is so very beautiful a notion. What a mother you are, Karen.

  13. Oh, that's amazing. The timing and the poignancy of it all. The quilts are such a tangible offering of love and comfort, and they are as good for the maker as they are for the receiver. What a beautiful tribute to your daughter. I am so touched and can't wait to hear how this progresses. I too will pass the word. It is so very beautiful a notion. What a mother you are, Karen.

  14. You KNOW I'm in! You have my email address. Let me know what I can do!

  15. I'm a wicked knitter, karen. count me in.

  16. I just love to Crochet and just got back in the habbit and I would love to help out with this.

  17. I will be praying for you tomorrow, on the 16th. Thank you for sharing on this blog.

  18. You are amazing; you never stop. Some day you'll be responsible for a cure for cancer.

  19. What an honor to Katie's memory, especially now.
    Iam so pleased for you in getting this guild established. I know what it represents, I pray you are feeling much love, feeling great strength and have peace in your heart todayk. My thoughts and prayers will be with your family and remembering Katie's story.
    Blessings and hugs,

  20. That is so wonderful! you've got my email. :)

  21. Karen, I left some Bali fabrics out in Lofall at Mom's for Katie's Quilts. She's hoping to have you stop by for fabrics and more hats as she's been kniting away all summer. Think of you all so often. cousin Karol

  22. God bless you all today - I am visualising the pictures you have shared of Katie's bench - a tribute trip in solidarity in the mind.


  23. This is so exciting Karen. I would like to try and knit some blankets (seeing that I can't sew or quilt very well!)


  24. Put me in there Karen. I am happy this has come to fruition after all your hard work.

    Katie will be so proud. :)


  25. I would love to help! karynbosnak(at)gmail(dot)com


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