
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Relay For Life

A number of our friends are participating in the American Cancer Society's Relay For Life across the country. It's customary to decorate luminarias to honor, or in memory of, a loved one who is your inspiration for participating. A couple of friends have put Katie's name on their luminarias, and I can't put into words how moved I was when I first learned about this.

One dear mom, Ann Vossekuil, included a whole group of kids who have passed away when she made luminarias to honor her daughter, Taylor ( I met Ann through CaringBridge, and we have corresponded for a while. We live half a country away from each other, have never seen each other in the flesh, but here is what Ann has done:

Isn't that a lovely gift and memorial?

Love is a powerful thing.


  1. What a wonderful tribute!

    Perhaps I'm showing my ignorance here, but what does the B+ stand for? I get F.R.O.G. (Fully Rely On God, right?) but I don't know what B+ means :(

  2. B+ stands for "Be Positive" (positive attitude). Thanks for asking.

  3. What a beautiful thing. The elementary school that my boys attend do a mini relay for life every year at the end of school and this year they raised almost $7,000! Brought tears to my eyes!

  4. Love is a powerful never have to know someone in the flesh to really KNOW someone. Very nice.

  5. Aw, that is just so touching! :)

  6. I'm team captain for my school team every year in relay and i made a luminaria especially for Katie. I'll try to send you a picture of it if i have one. My whole team of 50 relayed for Katie as well!


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