
Monday, June 8, 2009


Gregg & I took a beach walk on Saturday morning.

We walked a long way, towards our town. It was a lovely, quiet time together.

We found all kinds of great stuff on the beach: an old green wine bottle that is half-covered with barnacles, beach glass, shells, part of a rake, a basketball, a float, driftwood and an old oar, among other things. Gregg carried the oar back, and he (the guy who usually detests house projects and craft projects) made a fabulous sign for us using the oar, a piece of driftwood & beautiful brass numbers. Isn't he clever?

We also had two staffers from Camp Goodtimes over for a visit. "Pineapple" & "Watermelon" came to pick up a few donations for camp. We gave them two bicycles, a large box of costumes/dress-up clothes, and a LOT of beach-craft-art supplies. It felt so good to share what we have, and to know that it's all going to Camp Goodtimes. Though it was hard for me to go through her things, I believe that Katie would like knowing that her dress-up clothes are going to bring joy & fun to kids at camp.

The weather was beautiful here today. I cleaned house, exercised, wrote & did some brainstorming for the hospital. I'm full of fresh barbecued halibut, and tired from working. It feels good.


  1. Hi Karen - I missed your posts. I don't know if I told you that Daniel's checkup is July 17th? We are there from 9:00 am until ?? - he has the testing from the effects of chemo. If you are planning on going to Children's around that time, I would love to meet with you. If not, we have more checkups in our future, so I'm sure we'd get together sometime! I will email you privately soon - just too lazy to go back to my email now...(=b).

    Are you going to post a picture of the oar? It sounds neat! God bless from Alaska...L

  2. Karen, this sounds like a perfect day to me. Love your walks on the lucky and I know you appreciate it too.
    As for the sign, so clever and that is some goooood recycling too. (although if he put real numbers it would be better than just saying numbers! Kidding)
    I know Katie would love to share her things with other kids....that is the kind of girl you raised.
    take care, suz

  3. I am glad for you to have had a day that you like...walking on the beach and finding those treasure just for you in that moment. And as hard as I KNOW that it was to give some of Katie's things to Camp Goodtimes...I too am sure she would be will always be a piece of her there that those children get to take on their journey. That's the thing I like about Legacies. Through them, our children continue to impact the lives of others when their physical mission here changes.

    Wishing you a blissful day!

    ~ your previous post was wonderful that God chose YOU to be the momma to David & Katie, and the wife to Gregg.

  4. Oh I love the sign, and that you completed it so quickly after being inspired by your beach walk treasures. My follow-through is not so good.

  5. Okay - I just realized YOU DID post a picture of the sign - I missed it yesterday! I think I've reached "that point" - where I finally need to get glasses - !!

    L in Alaska

    P.S. It looks as great as I thought it would!

  6. Looks like you had a great day! Love the pic with the 'numbers' on it! LOL :-D


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