
Friday, March 20, 2009

A Lot Can Change

Look at what I found:

a photo from 2003

which reminds me of a photo from 2007.

A lot can change in 4 years.


  1. you look like two such beautiful women in that second photo. She looks wise and beautiful in a womanly way -- but still pure. Thank you for the photos.

  2. Ohhh...that first picture of Katie...that's how I remember her! :) And, of course, the second one is one of my favorites. It speaks of such great love...Love you - Angela

  3. Calming peace and beauty in those photos. And of course a LOT of love.


  4. Two beautiful souls.
    You have a special bond, and it is everlasting.

  5. And some things...the amazing bond that you and Katie share...some things NEVER change!!!

    love the picture!

  6. How do we even bear it all? Not the best question but the only one that comes immediately into my mind? Oh, I do miss her so much!!!!!!

  7. Your attachment to each other just glows in both of these photographs. The second photograph just speaks volumes ... and in both your and her body language, I see Katie caring for you, protecting/mothering you. I've always seen that in this picture, almost Katie conveying a strength to you that she knew you would need within just a couple short weeks.

    Beautiful and heartbreaking and so full of love.



Thank you for sharing your thoughts here!