
Friday, March 20, 2009

Sports & Memories

David played golf yesterday, and won his match. That was his second match in a week. They played on their "home" course, which is the course where the team practices every day after school. He is loving the sport.

It's humorous, to me, that the two sports that David has taken up as school team sports are "country club" sports. We don't belong to a country club.
...however, my parents do, and they gave the kids the gift of swimming, tennis and golf lessons for many years.

We were very thankful for this, since the kids were blessed by those experiences. Katie wasn't always a willing participant in lessons, but David was. Both of them have natural athletic ability, like their dad.

Doesn't that sparkling water look inviting?

As he grows, David is enjoying golf and tennis more and more. He always looks forward to those activities when we visit Palm Desert, and when summer arrives, here in Washington. (He also loves cycling, another interest that he shares with Kappa.)

I've been going through our old photo albums, and am including a few things here that foreshadow David's golf team participation.

Have I mentioned that I love looking through old photos?

I don't enjoy the hobby of scrapbooking, but I sure do love our photo albums, and am very thankful to have them. I love the happy memories that they recall.


  1. Hey lady,

    I love love love looking at photo's myself. Not only my, but I really love someone else's as well. I also love to hear about "their life". Thanks for sharing those prescious photo's and memories. And the photo's from the previous post are priceless!

    By the way......Jordan is here on the East Coast for a visit, we leave for sunny warm Florida tomorrow! You know I could hardly wait to get my arms around him, kiss him, and listen to him breathe! :-)

    Have a HAPPY weekend!

  2. Katie's giggle and smile in the last picture cracks me up...just a bit mischevious there! :) And David's crop...what year was that? Give him a big hug from me...Scotty was on the golf team in high school...brings back good memories! :) Love you - Angela

  3. That last pic was 2001. The others are from 1999, 2001, 2002 & 2003. Glad that you like them!

  4. I can lose track of HOURS just looking through photos too.
    Love all of yours...."country club" sports. That is funny.
    Perhaps he can take up the game of polo too???
    Thanks for glad he is enjoying his golf w/ the team.

  5. What sweet photos. That water does look inviting... it will be time for the water before we know it! :-D

  6. So cute! Thank you for sharing the memories. I love going through the old photographs too.

  7. I am an old photo nut and the Family Photographic Historian. Too many photos, so little time : ) xoxo.

  8. i saw this on and wanted to email it to you but didnt have your email address!!!


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