
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Day in the Sun

David and I went to Fort Worden yesterday. When we left home, it was very foggy. When we arrived at the outskirts of Port Townsend, the sun was shining in a clear blue sky. It was a chilly day, but beautiful, in a breathtaking, peaceful way.
{If you want to see a larger version, click on each photo.}
I have been taking my kids up to enjoy this town since they were babies. We used to live quite a bit closer to it, when they were small. In those days, I would drive up once a month to get my hair cut, and then we would take a picnic and visit a wonderful, secret-garden type of park called Chetzemoka (after an Indian chief). In that park were lots of grass, swings, a glider, a digger, a carousel, a huge rose-arbor, a pergola and access to the beach.
As the children got older and could walk farther, we started to go to Fort Worden, a former army base tuned park. You may recall seeing scenes from the movie, "An Officer & A Gentleman" some of which were filmed there.
There are many old bunkers in the park, some several stories tall, that used to house large guns and cannons.
It's a kid's fantasy, to be able to explore these concrete buildings, going up and down stairs, climbing ladders, exploring tunnels, walking on the roofs, playing hide and seek. David and Katie loved it.
For me, the view toward Canada over the water is a big attraction.
I also love the lighthouse. You can see it from various vantage points in the park.
David enjoys climbing up and jumping off of things.

We walked through woods, along a cliff path, down to the beach and back up to the top of another hill. The sun was shining the entire time. It was crisp, cool and clear.

After a couple of hours of hiking, walking & climbing, we drove to town to our favorite ice cream parlor. Each of us ate a frozen, chocolate-dipped banana with crushed almonds as we walked through town, window-shopping.

We had a refreshing and wonderful day.


  1. Is it just my eyes or do those "things" David is jumping off of seem awfully high??? Those pictures make me nervous!!!

    Looks like you both had a wonderful time. Another blue skied day here and don't you just love every minute of it?!

  2. Sounds WOUNDEFUL! My grandparents lived on Whidbey Island. We visited Fort Casey frequently. You're inspiring me to bring the girls there. Sammie's never been, and it's been forever since Mandi's been. :)

  3. What a beautiful day! Love it!

  4. David is part monkey. Or just a dare devil. The photos are just looks like a gorgeous park and the old base is really pretty too.
    What a wonderful day spent w/ your special young man. :)
    take care,

  5. Looks like so much FUN & a special time with your son. I always tell my children to "make a memory"...your day was definetly a memory making day! I am so glad that the Lord gave you such a beautiful day!


  6. love the photos, especially the jumping ones! FABULOUS!

  7. Lovely. and that is a lovely photo of you and your son. :-))

  8. GORGEOUS photos! The weather is perfect, and I love the "action" shots! :)


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