
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

CED = The Unknown

One of the prompts for CED this month is "not knowing." I suppose I could write volumes about that, since we lived intimately with "not knowing" from the time that Katie first had symptoms of her illness, 3 weeks before she was diagnosed.
Instead, here are some photos that I took today, when David and I were up at Fort Worden, in Port Townsend. I've written about Port Townsend before; Gregg & I would love to live there some day, but for now, we enjoy visiting.
David had today off from school, so he and I headed up there to hike in the park. I took over 60 photos, which I will go through (and post- some-) later, but for now, here are the photos that reminded me of "the unknown." They are doors that lead into the bunkers that were built in the Fort when it was an army base (early in the 1900s). But here, it isn't apparent where they might lead, and each is beautiful in its own way.


  1. Those doors look like they've been enhanced with photo shop. Very cool!

    I hope you guys had a great time.

  2. why do pictures of doors and windows fascinate us/me so much? i am always drawn to them.
    good photography karen.

  3. Those are so awesome. Love the colors....great post. Sounds like a nice Mother/Son day together.

  4. Oh, wow; I love those doors. Love that whole site -- it's just FULL of glory! I would love to go there sometime with you and our cameras -- no matter how many times I go, there's always something new to photograph!

  5. Hmmmmm. Intriguing!

    When I lived in Peru there was a cathedral that had big, grandiose steps that led up to a blank wall. No doors. The entrance was on the other side. I always wondered about those steps to nowhere.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts here!