
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Walking plus Pilates

To help regain some fitness (& to help offset my recent erratic eating), on Monday, I started doing Pilates again, back at the beginner's level. I used to be a devoted Pilates-girl, and could do the intermediate workouts without even consulting the DVD. That all went away once we were living in Seattle. I just couldn't get myself down on the floor to do the workout. I even tried it on a bed, but no go. So I let go of that, and just walked.

Back at home last spring and summer, I mostly just ran and walked. That was enough for my mind and body. During that time, and after Katie's passing, people were commenting upon how thin I was (not in a positive way), so I got a little freaked out by their opinions, and started to let my eating get out of hand. I still couldn't face the mental work of an exercise routine. Pilates takes mental focus. I haven't been able to arrange my thoughts all that well, so I decided not to pressure myself; apparently, it wasn't time to go back to Pilates yet. Nowadays, I am walking 3 - 6 miles a day, and not running much at all; I have begun to miss the muscle tone, and the balance of strength and stretching that Pilates offers. So I have done it twice now (WooHoo!) and I'm hoping to be able to continue it, maybe 3x a week. It's a short workout (15 - 20 minutes), and then I go for a walk. I can feel my muscles waking up, and am amazed at how much fitness I have lost. It's okay, though, because I have the gift of time to work on it, and the freedom. I am thankful for that.

Speaking of erratic consuming, I am sorry to say that I did a bit of erratic drinking last weekend, by accident. I made the mistake of having a glass of wine at my parents' house, and then ordering a 2nd Lemon Drop when Gregg and I were at the Harbour House Pub for dinner, and, was that a bad idea. Thanks for the suggestion, Gregg! Next time, I'll remember that you are 5'11" and I am 5'1" and I will "just say NO" to Lemon Drop #2. The world was spinning on the way home. Thank goodness for Tums, lots of water, and the fact that Gregg was not tipsy in the slightest, having just had beer with dinner. I think I will stick to red wine in the future...except...I really want to try a mint julep at the track on Saturday, during the Preakness, since I missed out on that during the Derby. Just one mint julep, though. smileygirl (link to her hilarious story:

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love Lemon Drops too!!! I can't wait to hear what you think of Mint Juleps. But JUST ONE remember!!

    The picture of you and Gregg is gorgeous. What a classy couple you both are.


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