
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A Relapse

Yesterday, I learned that one of our friends' cancer has returned, and metasticized. If you would like to visit her caringbridge site, it is

Cary and her husband, Dave, are the couple who introduced me to Gregg at their Oktoberfest in 1989 (mentioned in "The Daddy-Daughter Bond" posting, below). They were newly married (Gregg was an usher in their wedding) and expecting their first child, and their home reflected their happiness. I worked with Dave at that time, in the public finance department of a regional bank. He is a wonderful man. When Gregg and I got married, Dave was in our wedding. They made their family's condo in Hawaii available to us for our honeymoon, as a gift.

This is hard news. Cary is a very strong, intelligent, generous and positive person, a devoted wife and mother of three daughters. I am praying that her treatment will be effective at stopping the cancer, and that she will have comfort and hope, joy and peace. Please hold her and her family in prayer.

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