
Thursday, March 6, 2008


My friend Rita is my "sewing guru," among other things. She is one of those rare people who has a heart of gold, and who is modest, yet really accomplished at a variety of things. She has patiently helped me through sewing problems for years, and is a true-blue friend, who I am blessed to have in my life.

Today, Rita brought her sewing machine over and we sewed 10 of the quilts for Children's Hospital. I am so happy! Here are some photos of Rita and what we accomplished.

I also ordered labels for the quilts that will say: "Made with Tender Loving Care by Katie's Quilters." We can sew these labels onto the quilts before we give them to the kids.

Saturday, March 8th, is Katie's birthday. She would have been 13 years old. I have been having a multitude of thoughts about this, as you can imagine. It's very hard to face her day without her, and to decide how to "celebrate" this birthday. I have been thinking about it and discussing it with David and Gregg for a while. At first, I thought we might take gifts to the hospital for other kids; then I thought we might go to dinner at one of her favorite restaurants. Now, I think we may get some balloons and decorate her bench in Waterfront Park, and maybe let a couple of them go, up into the sky. The best thing of all, for me, has been getting materials for, and sewing, the quilts. I know how much her quilt meant to her, how it comforted her, and is now comforting me. I know that she felt that other kids would like to have them, and that we should make them for the Hem-Onc clinic (and the SCCA ward) at the hospital. So that may be the best way to celebrate and honor her this year: to make comforters for other kids. It just feels wrong to have her birthday without her here with us!


  1. My moms birthday was March 5th. Since my daughter was only 3 when she died, I decided to take the day off of work and celebrate. We went to one of my mom's favorite restaurants, picked up some balloons, watched her favorite movie and ate birthday cake. My daughter wanted a candle and sing happy birthday, so we did. I was sad, but also glad we celebrated. I'm so sorry you've hit another huge milestone (teenager!!) without your beautiful daughter.

  2. Those quilts will be treasured. How wonderful.

  3. I am just a lurker who recently found you. The quilts sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate her birthday. Sounds like you too, have a heart of gold.

    May thoughts of happiness be with you tomorrow.

  4. Karen, Greg and David,
    We will think of you all often tomorrow. I treasure your writings - they remind me to cherish each precious moment, no matter how difficult or beautiful - both ends of the spectrum - but moments together above all!
    difficult days in clinic or at home, i just think of how you said you would just like to have another hour or day with Katie, no matter which day it was or how difficult it was, and that gives me more patience to go on, more patience to make my daughter comfortable while she is yet with us.
    i would pray that you be surrounded with memories tomorrow on Katie's birthday and that however you choose to celebrate and grieve on that day, you would feel close to her.
    In Him


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