
Saturday, March 8, 2008

Happy Birthday, Katie!

Today is Katie's birthday. She would be 13 years old. I made a slideshow to share with you, of as many of her birthdays as I could...some of her birthdays came before digital photos, some photos are in boxes still, but you will be able to see many of them.

Here is a photo of Alex, Charlotte, Angela and Olivia with flowers that they brought for Katie's birthday, on her bench. Thank you!

Katie loved clothes, fashion magazines, movies and books. On her 11th birthday, she chose to take one friend out to her favorite restaurant (Il Fornaio) for dinner in Seattle. We went through Nordstrom on our way to the restaurant, and passed the MAC make-up counter, where people were getting makeovers. I could see the longing on Katie's face, and I told her and her friend that I would ask permission from her mom, and we could come back and get makeovers for them...when Katie turned 12. Well, she was in the ICU when she turned 12, recovering from surgery, and we never got to go back to do that.

Today, I am thinking of our beautiful, vibrant, sparkling girl and the birthdays that she enjoyed; the cakes, the parties, the excitement of being "the honored one" on what is your very own day. I recall the day and moment of her birth, and our joy when she was weighed (6 lbs., 9 ozs.), measured (18.5 inches) and wrapped up and handed to me in a blanket. It was very exciting for all of us. David was so happy, from the beginning of her life, to have a sister, and they were best friends. I give thanks to God for Katie's life, that she was sent to us, and at the same time, I wish she had had more healthy time here on earth with us. God Bless You, Katie! I hope you are having a wonderful time.


  1. Dear Katie,

    Happy 13th birthday! Somehow I know you sense and know the love so many of us hold in our hearts for you. I will visit your bench in the Poulsbo Waterfront Park this weekend in honor of you and your special day...

    I miss you,

    Mary Ane

  2. My husband's birthday is also on March 8th. We were in Portland celebrating with some good friends for their son's first birthday over the weekend. March 8th really did a lovely job at bringing amazing people into the world. I did think of you and your family while enjoying the Pacific Northwest...must have been the good vibes from all of Katie's loved ones while they celebrated her day. xo

  3. We thought of Katie throughout her day. My family and I were at a "Jazz for Kids" concert that afternoon at Benaroya Hall and the director asked before one of the songs, "Is there anyone out there named Katie?". I took an extra breath, just because of where my thoughts had been. He then said, "This song is for you." They proceeded to play a piece called "Katie Do" by Benny Carter. It was beautiful.

  4. Lulu (Olivia) is still talking about Katie's bench, and the flowers she got to hold. We love you guys...


Thank you for sharing your thoughts here!