
Friday, January 16, 2015

Hello? Anyone Still Out There?

Blogger, how I've missed you! Happy New Year!

I can hardly believe that it's been so long since we've spent time together - reflecting, savoring, sharing moments of meaning. I have missed you so very much, and it feels absolutely wonderful to sit down with you again.

I don't know where to begin. I have kept so much inside, unable to write here due to time constraints, but my photo albums are full of images which tell stories of the past few months when you and I have been apart. I will try to summarize, and begin anew. It is still January, after all.

We went to Palm Desert for Thanksgiving and my mother's birthday...
 cut our tree at the tree farm...
spent Christmas with our Gerstenberger family...
and Boxing Day with some of our Boren family...
and New Year's Day at the park with friends...
and now, Gregg is back at work, as am I, and David continues his search for permanent work.

I have been busy with the Core Team of Field's End Writers' Community, and am a new member of the Bainbridge Island Public Library's Board. We held the annual Board retreat at a place called Yonder - if you've never been there, do check it out. It was a beautiful, peaceful place to begin the year's work.

It's going to be a season filled with new opportunities, responsibilities and relationships - and I am thankful for it.


  1. Well, I'm still here and so glad that you've broken through the barrier and posted! I always love your beautiful family and landscape photos --

    Also, we need to talk about my upcoming trip in late June and July to Whidbey!

  2. Welcome back, my friend!

    I totally understand, as I've been MIA myself around the Blogosphere lately.

    Here's hoping we both get back on track. =)


  3. Love seeing the new photos!
    Happy New Year!

  4. Sooooo glad for this update. SOoooooo glad you've been busy with good stuff!! Happy new year.

  5. Hiiiii! I'm here too. But more on other people's blogs than my own these days. It looks like you had a great holiday. And as usual, jealous of all the beauty you're surrounded by. Sigh. Welcome back. We missed you. :)


Thank you for sharing your thoughts here!