
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Letting Go in Order to Comfort Others

Today, I went through our house and selected items to donate for the hundreds of people whose homes have been destroyed by wildfires in central Washington. I put toys, books and clothes into bags - four bags full. 
I'm also donating these items, which belonged to Katie.

These are some of my favorites of Katie's clothes. I washed them before packing them. It was odd to wash her clothes again, especially items that I have laundered so many times for her. It felt odd because I wasn't doing it so that Katie could wear them. 

It was just odd.

I can't think of a better reason to part with these clothes than to give them to families who have lost every single thing they own...but it still takes my breath away.

I hope our clothes, books, toys and (especially) Katie's clothes will be a blessing to the families in need. They will probably never know what these items mean to me, but that is not important. This gift is to help comfort them in their loss, as so many people offered comfort to us in ours.


  1. Sometimes we just need to wait for the proper home for things that belonged to people we loved. I'm glad you found the right time and place.

    Margaret Cohen

    1. You are right, Margaret - thank you for your kind words. XO

  2. I can only imagine how hard this was for you….but also a wonderful reason to go through the hard part.

  3. Your generosity -- always -- knows no bounds. Now Katie's things will help some other child, some other girl will feel her spirit, I hope.

    1. I hope so, too, Elizabeth - thank you. I've missed reading your blog and need to give myself the gift of catching up with you. XO

  4. This is one of the hardest things, isn't it?

  5. Your offers always inspire me to be better and have more courage.

    1. Thank you, DeAnn - you are courageous yourself, with your new career! I so admire you.

  6. Loved what Margaret said. You are brave and sacrificial. I admire you so. Sending love and hugs.

  7. I think that's the perfect thing to do with her clothes. You are amazing!

  8. So kind and loving ... I understand. xoxo.

  9. Thank you, Karen & Polly. We dropped off another bag today. It feels right.


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